October 30, 2001

with this new schedule, I have high probablity to get first post almost each and every day. Today I waited to post - so that when I said that / people would be thrown off with their timing in the unlikely event that someone wanted to thwart my activities of first-post-ness.

I should not, however, be awake at this time.
It seems Michael has successfully infected me with bronchitis.
or some other odd-end form of " my throat feels bad "
that son-ov-a-bitch.

And this is what I woke up to :

dilligadam: aint gotta women to keep you warm :PP

This comes from a man who still lives with his parents, and is ... what, thirty going on fourty something? He treats women much the same like mike does, but with much less respect towards them and himself. Wherein mike does not feign an interest other than that what he specificlly tells, my uncle is a fool and seems to enjoy playing with both his own mind and that of the women he finds bed with. The last one he actually married / My father gave it a certain time until he gave up on that one - low and behold, he is back up from the southern states where he resided with her, and back up here with my grandmother and no wife. He makes fun of me.

I dont see why.
I may not have a woman to keep me warm, at this very moment,
but at least I don't sleep with my mother.

haa. haa. haa.

I bought two things from half.com.
It is almost as good as ebay, but less " auctiony "
Pearl's Girl and Change the weather -
both are Underworld releases.

I cannot wait for them to show up.

work now consists of a very ... slow ... operation,
and I find myself on TRANSLINE - a terrible place compared to my lovely MARTIN - because it is so easy. Aaugh. With the MARTIN I actually had to work / with this all I have to do is sit back, relax, and stack boxes. I hope they put me back on my machine tomorrow. . . then again April is there - and luck would have it, I'd probably have to feed with her stupid ass.

I now have a headache, and this post is sub-par.

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