October 17, 2001

Let us say I have one, just one of them. If I take this one and that one I have two, but I still have one. If I then take another one and another one, I get three and four, but I still have one. I can keep going on like this for an eternity, but I'd always have just that one.


laughing as I cry
droning of Bo - tiresome
two in the corner
no ending from one to the other

sing a song long forgotten
laughing as I cry


took it before
taking it again
stupd cycle...
don't remember shit of it

graphing - sooo boring!
droning teacher
bad enough in english
babbling hurts my ears


Those two...
She works
He knows it
She's stressed
He's horny

Both want to play

He's says fuck it
She says stay
He listens in bordom
She scribbles notes

After a while, they're gone for the day


hehehe... me no care!
2 weeks would be blissful. :)

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