May 30, 2003

News Flash, Fuckers

I'm not paying for everyone else to camp.

If none of you helps out or chips in on food, I'm only going to bring enough for myself. No excuses, you have all known about this for weeks.

May 28, 2003

Okay, when are you guys leaving?

It's not like nobody knows what to do if I'm not at work for two days.

Oh, wait. Well, there are a few people who know what to do.

Fuckit. You only live once.

I'll be your D/D tonight, just tell me when/where to be.

Call me at home 262/1307
Dammit! Why does your birthday have to fall on a Wednesday? Fucker. As I'll be ditching work on Friday, it wouldn't be wise for me to accompany you guys tonight, but Lord knows, I want to. Fuck. Fuck it all to hell.

Happy birthday, shithead.

Keep in mind that I'll get you good and fucked up this weekend, so save at least some of your liver capacity.

May 27, 2003

New rule:

Don't IM, email or otherwise contact me by starting out with a bunch of shit that makes no sense. Seriously, learn and use correct grammar, punctuation and spelling. I am not about to try and decipher what the fuck someone meant by what they said. It's not that hard to type out what you want to say instead of typing a bunch of numerals and shit in place of words. "2" means "two," not "to" or "too." It goes between "1" and "3", not "want" and "go." "4" is not "for." "4" is a fucking number, you sloping-foreheaded mouth breathers!


Michael, I can't help you with this particular mission. I don't have anything that fits the bill of what you need. My old blue POS truck is not licensed, and I don't have the time, energy or cash to deal with that right now. My Bronco is not a truck, the back is closed and covered. Lastly, I'll be damned if a $30k truck is going to have any part in beating the shit out of a piano. Huh-uh. No way. Get your ass in gear and get a fucking job. Since you're not going to school until September, you have no valid excuse for not even trying (see, the apostrophe followed by "re" is a contraction for "you are").

I've devoted years of my life to killing brain cells. What's your excuse?

Actually, that brings me to my next point: the theory of brain cell natural selection. You see, I'm not just killing brain cells, I'm killing the slower, weaker brain cells. Thus, I've left my skull filled with only the best gray matter, increasing my mental capa..........


What was I saying?

Eh, it must not have been that important.

I need a drink.
Tip to credit card companies with outrageously long hold times on card activation lines:

Don't have Wagner's "Ride of the Valkyries" as your hold music. I was about to go all "Apocalypse Now" by the time they picked up.

May 26, 2003


Maybe we should've read the board.


May 25, 2003

blah blah blah.

May 24, 2003


Zach: Yes, and I just now replied to it. Opps, sorry about that. Any idea where you'll be staying?

Steven: I will need to know what size engine you have.... Your choices are: 1.6, 1.8 and 2.2 liter. If you email me your VIN I can tell for sure. The best thing you can do now is Bars leaks. Good stuff, it'll patch holes you wouldn't think possible.

James: Changing your oil isn't a problem. Your brakes wouldn't be too hard, but I'm not sure if I'll have time in the near future. Easy answer for now, call the dealership's service department (286-6100) and ask what it'll cost to get new brakes. I'll look around and see if I have a coupon. They send me books of service coupons every month; usually there is one for brake service. They aren't open Sundays, so don't bother calling tomorrow.
The Tag Board

The tag board is a temporary, if not permenant ( costing me 20$ a year ) - for short comments on posts and wander-bys to say something. It also has a limit to 500 characters. I would expect you all to have the intelligence and common sense to be able to decide " what is a tagboard worthy " post and what would mandate a " blogger login post " - take for instance, if you want to say : " James, Im not a fuckin' idiot I understand " - that'd be perfectly fine for a tagboard ... tag.

but if you wanted to give me a good three paragraph lecture of how I cannot get laid.
definately worth a post.

May 23, 2003

I'm glad someone understood it.

Figured that if anyone, it would be you.
Called Brice

He has work - two jobs.
but I did a lot of talking and said that I could probably get all participants in on a " brice fund " of 2$ a piece.
just to get him down here - and i'd give him 25$
for gas ( him being in bellingham ) and missing out on his work.

he said he'd think about it.

Tons of people I have still yet to get ahold of.
I will do that tomorrow.
so far i have nine absolutes for Sharis
seven aboslutes for camping.

cd /etc/slugs

rm -rf bitch

shutdown -r now
Don't even bother with contacting me for this stuff.
I'm not going to see any of you guys.
I'm gonna sacrifice seeing you assholes. kbye.
[shining moment]

Hmm, two more for the list.

Which reminds me to ask: This list... is this like movies that aren't necessarily "super great number 1" movies, but that don't suck... thus making them movies that everyone is like... yeah, i like that movie..

just curious.

Anyway, two more to the list:

An American Tail: The story of the lost mouse Fivel. I cannot honestly think of anybody who thought that movie sucked.

The Rescuers: It's the Rescuers.

Oh god. I hate allen luna's sister. Yes i do. Allen is my roommate, and his sister is 16, but sounds like 12... and i want to smack her.... OMG, OMFG... OMSOfsja;lkjdfg;oafsijg;lkwMEFOIA ;OIJAL;FKJM Raaaaa~~~!!!!!

people should be born automatically at the age 17... or 19... ack
It's not just irresponsibility. It's called living. Enjoy life while you can. So you boss/parent/commanding officer is pissed at you. Big deal.

Friday I probably won't bother going to work. I'm getting a research assitant, and that's his first day. My boss will probably rip me a pair of new assholes for skipping out. Tough shit. Not the first time. Won't be the last. I don't really care, and the boss knows it. He also knows that I'll get the job done.

If you don't want to miss a day or just be useless for one, don't fucking show up.

You'll be happy later on in life, looking back and saying "I never let anything stand in the way of my public school education!"

Pfft. Don't kid yourself.

I can think of two... well actually probably more, but i'll just go with the two for now:

se7en: though i do wonder about this only cause i'm sure there is some person out there who would say, "ungh this movie is horrible because it has so much violence and is wrong and is evil and... SATAN ahh blah blah blah blah" without grasping the movie at all.
but i could be wrong. I'll stick with this one for now.

The Transformers Movie: C'mon... this should easily stand out. Death of Optimus Prime AND Megatron.

Oh, and...

who could forget:

Legally Blonde: Hahah... just kidding... you didn't think i was serious did you? While i actually didn't mind it all that much... it's no army of darkness.
a lot of people are complaining about the day.
and the time.

to this, i say : " learn the word

thats right.
Im calling in on thursday - ie : im missing out on a good 300$ worth of work there. you see me complaining?
Zach-o lost his job to be up here for the shibang.
Jimmoi sold his very last testicle for the money to pay for his plane ticket.

And all I continually hear from Jeff ( and now Chrissie ) is " blah blah blah - its so difficult "
Its called IRRESPONSIBILITY - why dont you just calm down and kill off anything and everything you planned to do.
I mean, who the fuck 1 - gets together late night on thursday?
This ensures that we wont have a bunch of teenage fucktwits who bother the shit out of us.
And Jeff inquired as to why the " big shibang " isnt on memorial day weekend
because it would be " more convient " for people.

Zach doesnt get here until the twenty six - 10am.
he'll leave sometime around june fifth.
... and i havent contacted half of the people on that list ( which ill be doing after this post )

so ' convience ' would mean ' one or two people '
also - TONS of people will be out and about camping and dining on memorial day weekend.
do we want to have fun or do we want to wait in line? ( ah hem )

ok - now i call a lot of people.

Fuck that. Keep it Thursday 11pm.

So you miss some sleep, maybe a day of school. Big deal. I did it all the damn time my senior year. Still pulled a 3.5 gpa that year. That includes the time I was suspended...
Change the time for Shari's.
Either make it not Thursday
or make it at 7pm.
You have got to be out of your mind.

May 22, 2003

Drew. Shut the fuck up you're a friend and you're coming to the shibang, yes?

for christ-sakes you're the first person mentioned.
hahahaha. ;b

The fact that we are at least attempting to be very organized about this proves that it's bound to be a different group than we've had in the past. Even if it's the same individuals.

Insofar as transportation is concerned:

Last year we proved that midsized sedans (specifically Korean made models) aren't cut out for this type of excursion. Thank you for removing that doubt from our minds Mr. Miller. Any that are planning on attending the camping portion of "El Bigo Shibango" and have access to taller, more off-road capable vehicles should look into bringing them. There are some rather nice trails in and around the campgrounds that can be explored by pickups and other such four-wheel-drive conveyances.

I, for one, will be bringing my old blue POS Bronco. It has seating for four, possibly five. Including driver. If need be, I'll get my old blue POS Pickup going and we can take it also. It's only rear-wheel drive, and has crappy tires, but also has sufficient ground clearance for most of what's out there. The old blue POS pickup can carry six, assuming that all six like one another and none of them stinks. The old blue POS pickup doesn't have current tabs or insurance, so that might represent an issue. Don't plan on it being part of this unless needed.

I also have a tent that will easily sleep four (since most of you aren't very tall) and random other such bullshit.

We need to plan on doing some grocery and liquor shopping. I'm fairly well stocked up on booze, but I don't have much food to speak of in the house. Depending on how much I drink between now and then we may not need to do much shopping at the liquor store. The one thing I don't have that some of you may want is Amaretto.

Perhaps Friday morning the elder Collins son and I (and whomever else would like to be there for that matter) could meet up and get what we need for eating and whatnot.

SO perhaps everyone should brainstorm on what kind of "camping food" they like and loath, and we can put together enough so as we don't starve or feel overly stupid whilst we are out there.
ok. so what i have so far.
the " big shibang " consists of two parts.

the first part being " sharis night " -
held on the 29th, begining at approximately 11pm.
We'll all meet at sharis at that time.
Im going to go to the managment next week and say :
" hey - ill have ... a ... lot of people. coming by.
is there a way we can reserve things? "

Im hoping to take the whole back part of Sharis.
So please, if you know people on the board and can get ahold of them, please do so.
have them call me ( 2536914874 ) and leave a messege or tell me they will be there.
or email me ( ) and tell me they'll make it as well.

i'll need a good number of people who are " already in " for them to even consider allowing me to ' reserve ' places.
which they probably wouldnt, anyway. bah.

thats the night of the 29th.

The night of the 30th then we all gather together a bunch of tents and random other such bullshit.
meet outside my old house ( parents home ) at around noon or 3pm - just out of the sake of tradition.
drive our ways out to ft lewis campgrounds.
and have ourself a riot of a time drinking and staying up all night.

( remember last time we went campin? =)

the same goes with the night of saturday ( im really up for a good two days campin' )

so what does everyone think?
dates / times good for everyone?
so on - so forth.
The shari's event is really crucial. I really want to grab EVERYONE. Im gonna call Brice down too.
anyone who has " significant others " - they are invited as well,
but try not to invite ' friends of friends ' sort.

People I specifically want to try and get for sharis :

Drew + Sherri + Steve + Courtney + Bradbury + Aaron + Ana + Breanna + Justin + Brice + Heather T.+ Bonnie + Mike + Michael C.+ Sarah + Jeff + Andy + Jimmoi + Zach + Tarina + Jesse + Mr. R + Pinkos + Chrissie + oh - and D.T. ... anyone remember anyone else from " back in the old days " gang? ---- and Steve mentioned, with glee ( i might add ) - " JOE! " and I said : " Big Joe? " and he said : " JOoo-OOO-OOOE "
... eh.

Upon thinking about more people Steve and I came up with the following names :

" Sam Stol " - can be contacted and gotten ahold of
" Chris Ballew " and his significant other - they can be gotten ahold of.

as for campin it isnt really 'mandatory' and only those who are commited should really come.
those i already know who are in it for sure : jimmoi, zacho, bradbury, steve, myself - michael.

I really wish i didn't have to do mass amounts of studying today, or i'd stay in bed and post updates on my deteriorating condition...

in fact, if i ever get a terminal illness... that's what i'll do
post about it on regular intervals...

if i could stay home, i'd work on my Colossal Comic Rebirth series... that could be fun... maybe i'll still do that.

but no, i have to go to barnes and noble...

and i have to get this book that a friend suggested... sounds... inviting.

bah, another lame past to pass my lame-time.
[buck futter!]

hehe... good ol' celebrity jeopardy!

ahem, anyway... i'm sick.

i'm posting while sick. I haven't posted in a bit, cause i've been feeling slightly sick. Bah, stupid sore throat. I hate sore throats... cause then you get that horrible running nose, and then burning when you breath... and you start growing antlers...

no wait, that's not a cold.

ahem, anyway...

so i was recently told that the big shibang thing, as james puts it... is on next weekend, not this one... wtf?! i thought it was this one... considering it's gonna be memorial day and all...

oh how i hate you all... but i think that's the cold talking. It's almost gone... keeping warm and drinking fluids work.
stupid roommates for giving me this cold... or that girl in my group who's been sick for two months... might be her fault. aaghh.

i wonder why snot isn't blue. Wouldn't that be amazing. C'mon, i'm sure somewhere
one of you was thinking along those lines.

Bah... humbug.

May 21, 2003

So im cruzin through HOTORNOT
and its on MENANDWOMEN
and then all of a sudden Im like : HEY JIMMOI HAS ANOTHER PICTURE ON HOTORNOT?

... but then i realised it wasnt him and ... but then a few clicks later!
and so i was zooming through the pictures.
two and two and two and two and - HEY ITS JIMMOI AGAIN!

but alas - foiled again. He was a tricky one, this jimmoi, with his clever desguises.
He knew how to " blend in " he did.

And then all in a row :

i was caught by surprise.
these jimmoi clones - how could they exist?

then i figured it all out.
its because they look like fucktwits that I mistook them for Jimmoi.


. . . or maybe ... just maybe ... it had something to do ... with ... their ...

In light of the " top five annoying things about James " - ... Nobody has really mentioned that I'm an ass except me.
what the fuck you people. C'mon. Bring it on. What about my glasses? Those've got to annoy someone.

And Jimmoi : just for you >>>

click here

May 20, 2003

When does your flight come in? I haven't left nearly enough tire rubber behind in the parking garage at SeaTac...

May 19, 2003

[for those that doubt]

Okay, so jimmoi didn't believe me that jOe Suavo was jOe's evil twin, saying that it was a baby.

Well here's a picture of jOe for comparison:

Can't you see the similarities?

And look at jimmoi in the mirror... he's lookin' at YOU!
[attack of the clones]

I was thinking.

Then it stopped.

Then it started again, and through that i remembered the old COLOSSALjOe comics... the fun little venture into the story of jOe and his battle with his family and friends and the humane society.

One of the main characters was a guy named jOe Suavo... the coolor, smarter jOe (his iQ was something like 20... a genius in the jOe pantheon).

A charming character really... with much potential...

So i was thinking some more...

and i saw the matrix the other day... and i thought... that movie... unghhhh... it was okay... but it was missing something... perhaps... a little bit o'spice.

and then, like the dawn from 2001 a space odessey, where the sun rises and suns light on the monolith (the monolith being my wondrous idea), i came up with:

Agent jOe SUAVO in The Matrix: Reloaded and REMIXED!

C'mon. For those of you who thinks the matrix: reloaded sucked... just imagine that scene with the army of Agent Smiths replaced with the army of jOe Suavo's. Neo versus 100 300lbs cool versions of jOe. Well, if that doesn't write a movie, i don't know what does.
The park thing sounds alright, assuming that the weather holds out. I doubt most of you will relish the idea of a barbecue in the rain, despite the covered picnic areas.

Another thought - since we are thinking of camping out on Ft Lewis, we might just hold it out there. Slightly more inconvenient for those who wouldn't be staying to camp, but it's an idea.

I do like Steven's idea better though.

Also - I have a propane grill. It's not the biggest thing around, but I can also borrow my dad's no problem (so long as it doesn't blow up - I'll explain later) and that would give us some more grill-age. I'm not particularly fond of propane, but charcoal would be a hassle for this.
[What if... jOe]

I was thinking... just for fun, what if jOe was art.

This is what happened:


Hahaha... okay, so not that funny. Not even remotely funny. Hehe, see Chrissie, if jOe were black, or Fresco-art then he'd be awesome.

Savor that picture, download it, burn it to disc...

it'll be worth a whole five cents someday. I guuuuaaaraaaanteeee.
That might work. I don't know if I would be too fond of travelling all the way to Roy to have a celebration.
1. James's lil nicknames for people
2. He eats slowly
3. His idiotic declarations about women that he seems to believe are true
4. His NIN and Tool and Pink Floyd CD's
5. Last time he saw me, he inquired on my height. >:(

Quentin Tarentino disappoints me more and more lately.
Ofcourse, I've never seen any of his movies so why do I care.

and uh, cute Fievel Mouse gay boy should win American Idol. yea!
i mean c'mon, he's a total nerd. Nerds rule, right?

May 18, 2003

Things I find annoying about James :

5. His absolute intolerance for people he finds unworthy of association. Take for example, I tried to introduce him to some buddies of mine and uh. He was a total jackass.

4. His inability to get hot bitches and treat them like material objects. I mean what the fuck. ( literally )

3. His arrogance and pride and the fact that he believes he is right all the time.

2. He always wants attention. I mean look at him. Everything he does and says just shouts : " HEY LOOK AT ME IM UNIQUE! "

1. fuck you.
" Bumps on the penis are one of the most common things guys write in about. In guys who have never been sexually active, there's very little to worry about if small bumps appear on the shaft of the penis or along the rim of the head (the corona). These small bumps are most often Fordyce glands, little sebaceous (grease producing) glands that produce lubrication for the tender skin of the penis, to keep it from drying out and cracking. They're NORMAL, don't cause any problem, and don't need any cure. They're only bothersome to you because you're looking at them closely (and if you look at them closely, you'll see a little dark dot in the center--the gland opening, where the sebum comes out). In some guys, particularly those with oily skin, they may be more prominent than in other guys. Other bumps around the head can be penile pearls (also without any real meaning) or Tyson's glands. "

ah ahahaha.
Jimmoi has a 'bump on the penis' friend

is that his given name? thats why i looked it up.

Its also a ' village ' in Arizona.
go figure.
there is now a "slight" difference in the color of " links "
they still light up when hovered over.
its a little bit darker than the normal color text - almost like a blue.

tell me if it is noticeable - and if the distinction between link & text needs to be made more evident.
also - on the sidebar very bottom you'll find the search engine works ( amazingly well ) - but i still cannot find my bettie page page.
fugh. the site it sends you too will soon be fixed up and look pretty and so on and so forth.
does anyone remember the bette page website I had made?

if anyone is bored and has time - please find if I linked it anywhere in the archives.
fuck. arghar ghar.

speaking of archives ...

moments of memory!

I curse at Jimmoi's mother. read the next post. its funny.
Aaron learns the real lyrics to a song.
Devlin-S makes her last, if not one of the last posts. ( cries )
Steve uses both hands to masturbate with.


also, fooling around with a search engine.

May 17, 2003


I have been working on something inspired by one of jimmoi's random ass phone call comments. Funzo. Just waiting for him to come over... and if someone had a DV camera... that'd be intensely awesome.

Hey, james, do you have a digital camera... a GOOD digital camera?
as steve would say : " there is an ebb and flow to the board "


May 15, 2003

Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
-John F. Kennedy
leave my fuckin' cheerio's out of this.

they aint done nothin' to you.
[if jOe were black...]

I've had the misfortune of catching some of those shows. Don't ask why. I feel vile myself already. However, the fat guy is awesome. He rocks. He'd be like jOe, only if jOe were cooler, changed his clothes once in awhile, didn't smell, and yes, were black.

They are both good singers. Very good. (I'm talking vocal talent not what they sing...) I really don't care who wins between them, I'm just glad that fuckin' marine didn't win. He pissed me off. I hated him. Not cause he was a marine...

ah, maybe that too.

I almost want the fat guy to win. Hehe, wouldn't that be awesome. Then i'd try to get jOe to sing and make HIM the next American Idol... or whatever American Idol he'll be on when he's ready. At the rate this is going, i figure American Idol 52.

I wouldn't go around choosing the Idol based on asethetics.

Unless you want to base it on the same principles as Britney Spears.

Just a thought to have with your mornin' Cheerios.
I've unfortunately become obsessed with American Idol.
Not watching it, mind you. I've only seen barely one episode and I flipped the channel when they were singing.
But the whole "who is going to win"
mainly because it is this really really adorable gay boy versus this 300 lb'er.
After seeing Miss White Trash Kelly Clarkson on the cover of every magazine this past year, I really really really should not have to suffer through seeing the Fattie.
I only care about who wins for aesthetic purposes. yep.

May 14, 2003

1. figure out what I did to you, jeff - in highschool. being that i didnt give you a racially based name like POTATO.

and secondly - since you were trying to agitate everyone ( i dont see how anyone would be agitated by anything you said ) - i'll bring this up to question : Jeff, do you entertain raping these women you so vehemently claim to hate? Everytime you spout off about some moron of a girl I have this crazy notion that you just want to make them submit to your will and do debase things to them. Its funny, because I think I'd be the only person who sees you doing anything violent or 'bad' so to speak.

2. high school was a place for innocense and children. something you'll always look back and go : ' damn, that was easy '

3. That sucks about Alec.

4. and off to work.

I got to run another set of subjects today. The power. The shear power.

Yes. Excellent.

So now we have all the data... i'm starting to like this. It feels much more like a college education should feel like. Too bad i'm leaving. That still bothers me. Hmmmrph.

Got an email today, something about the CIA. In fact... lemme see if i can find it:

CIA Internship Information Meeting
Thursday, May 15
4:30 pm
Mary Gates 191 E (conference room in the Gateway Center)

Come meet a CIA officer and learn about the amazing array of internship
opportunities available at the Central Intelligence Agency. The CIA is
looking for students from all majors. Questions, answers, and
refreshments--join us!

Well... wouldn't that be interesting. Jeff the criminal profiler. Working for the CIA. Maybe i'd get a laser watch.

Heh, certain get some sort of cool spy type thing. Then i could use it to blow up RED HONDA CIVIC HATCHBACKS.

Fuckin' cars. I hate 'em.

Anyway... so apparently this "degree" thing is definitely going to be worth something. How intriguing.

Heard something today, at the end of the day, that I thought some of you might like to know.

Alec had a "massive" heart attack two days ago. Going in for quadruple bypass surgery tomorrow or the next day.

I heard it from Mike Jensen, so I'd bet on it being fairly accurate, but I still don't know for sure. I'll ask JB tomorrow, see if I can get some more info. There are a few other people around that will know more than I do, I'll ask around.

I don't know whether anyone will get all... 'pissy'... about what i'm about to say...

eh, good thing i don't care :). Or do i...


see this is why i'm glad that i'm not a gamer. If i did... i'd sound like michael. Sorry michael, but c'mon. Who here wasn't thinking it. I was just the only one who had the courage to tell him.

Or the malignance.

Anyway, time is running out here at college... and i feel an incredible sadness washing over me. It sucks. It's worse then that time at the end of high school, when you realize that you're gonna miss it...

perhaps, though, that's cause i kinda hated high school. I liked the time... in that was when i met all you fine people. Except for you jimmoi. You and you're, "hey, i work with a gay guy in the library". You bastard.

Or you, james. You and you're, "horehey, his name is horehey!"

No wait, that was you, Justin.

What the hell did you do to me James. It must have been something... for me to have come out of that bastardly high school so mal-adjusted.

Anyway, enough rambling. I'm off to read a book written by my professor on the history of african americans and how it's considered, by him at least, to be a holocaust. So far... i am... bothered. Not by the content, but by the form of some of his arguments.

Which reminds me, on another tangent, i went to a marijuana legalization debate yesterday. Interesting stuff. I wish i had attended more debates while here, but i was busied with other events in my life. It was biased toward pro... but they did present some con arguments really well.

I had only one major grudge with it...
when this stupid, quite possibly freshman, girl got up and started trying to preach and debate with a... get this... DEFENSE ATTORNEY (a man trained so that his livelihood depends on being a good arguer), without having any facts or stats...

my favorite line, "well any statistician will tell you..." and then five seconds later when asked what facts and stats she was talking about she said, "well... i don't know, they're out there"

I hate her. I do. She bothers me. Anybody who is going to argue, no matter what your stance, cause i tend to respect a stance so long as it's based on SOMETHING... have a fuckin' good line of thought... not something that boils down to "well it's the law... it's the law... IT'S THE LAW"...

i dare to wonder what where she thinks laws came from.

RAAAwwwrrrar... still mad... still steaming... nothing more bothersome then someone who argues with no facts, but continues to not be even the slightest bit open to the possibility that they are wrong... or that they aren't at least completely right... or that they've viewpoint is heaven-sent.

Well, actually, there are other things more bothersome... and those are RED HONDA CIVIC HATCHBACKS.

later slugs.

May 13, 2003

I dont get the " freedom toast " joke.

sounds like some patriotic bullshit to me.

i saw identity.
oh my jesus that movie gave me a tootache.
literally - it came into my mouth and drilled holes in my teeth.

good begining - terrible ending.
i almost wanted to cry.

i have to make a god-damned movie.
where coincidences happen FOR NO REASON.


and by the way
the ' follow your heart ' deal was andy's latest user-info.

WHEN IS THE BIG SHIBANG?! - i tried to get the whole 26 - 1st week off, but it was denied
so I am putting in for the 28 - 29, then i naturally get 30, 31 off.

so within those four fuckin days. Im going to actually * PLAN OUT * what to do, SO WE GET IT DONE.
but rough plans. not time, just " things we gotta do and when we gotta get people "

ie : things that must be done :

The shari's ritual, in style ( ie : i talk to the managers and reserve A WHOLE SECTION of sharis ) -
road ski-ing? ( cough cough ) - even though we can get in to some deep deep shit.
camping I really want to do on fort lewis.

anything else - maybe smash something? anyone got anything big?

[I am the Banana-King]


ahaheheha... FREEDOM TOAST

i'm sorry, but that was hilarious... screw you guys. I laughed, that's good enough for me.

May 12, 2003

- - Listen to your heart - -
No one seems to do that anymore these days, it's sad.

a little bit of advice... eh heh heh.
thats what I look forward to now-a-days.

Jeff : i'd be carefull what you say on an audio-blog post.

Im tired. I have to go to work.

2 shots gin (tanqueray)
1 shot Rose's Sweetened Lime Juice

Shake or stir, pour into rocks (lowball) glass filled with ice.

Damn good drink. Tanqueray being 94.6 proof, these sneak up on you pretty quick.
Powered by audblogaudblog audio post

May 11, 2003

Heh. France. Well, considering that the part of my family from France left in the 1700's, I'd say they didn't like it either. It took the Germans and Dutch in my family until the late 1800's and early 1900's, respectively, to come here. Of course, the Indians waaay back on my dad's side came here 10,000 years ago.

Go figure.

So, Zach, not that I disagree with you, but kiss my ass all the same. the stuff. Then again, most spirits are alright by me. All the various whiskeys (scotch, bourbon, etc.). Gin. Vodka. Cognac (brandy). All good in my book.

Now, I'll go discover more interesting ways to mix them.

Ciao, baby.
[freedom fries]

Oh, and i'm not a big fan of france... but i like the french language. It's a good language, and challenging... and i had fun learning it last summer (it was also easy credits).

Had even more fun making fun of france and of french while in the class.

Vive le bifteck! -- prof's never like when you yell that out in class.

It is rather smelly and hygeniene is a foreign word to them, from my understanding, though i could be wrong.

So i think i found something fun to do with the board... my contribution...

but i'm not sure if it will work. I'm gonna try though.... and if it works... sweet.

Later peoples.

May 09, 2003

Zdraste!!! i hear somebody from "Evropa"., France?......, must be one of my neighbors, on "the great european scale".;0) .
Hey Jimmy how come there are pictures of grown women on your board? You know all of them "red dress"/gang band?
That's it for today, russki has left the building...

May 08, 2003

uh, Bonnie, why are you getting all touchy about that Kim thing?
You guys typed up some hypotheses on her relationship, age, location..
She's one of my best friends; I don't want her business mentioned on the board again cuz I know she wouldn't like it if she knew.
Five evil things

It's not easy to come up with five evil things you'd find lurking in a goth girl's pussy. My first inclination was to list five common venereal diseases...but that would be too easy. (I find it disturbing that MS Word autocorrects the word "venereal" if you type it incorrectly)

In no immediately obvious order:

Vice President Dick Cheney

Secret undisclosed location? The pink stinky bunker of love.

The Recording Industry Association of America

I'm not trying to say they're a bunch of pussies... Well, actually I am.

A Furby

These things bug me.

The Arby's Oven Mitt

I think Tom Arnold does the voice.

Actor Gary Coleman

I doubt you would actually find him anywhere near goth pussy
Actually Andy's Girl (Kim) lives in California. She spent a week or two in Las Vegas with her aunt. She's 18.
and long-distance relationships usually don't work.
and I don't like seeing Kim being discussed on the board, mmk.

Also-- I hate the Labrynth.
thats it.
one can only take so much porn-email and then have one of them catch your eye.

why - you ask : would porn email ever catch anyone's attention?
maybe because there are Scared tenage girls getting raped - or Sexually deviant soldiers run wild on IRAQI wiman -
surely these subject headers are bound to turn some heads : but not mine.
And then there is those Farm Girls Fucking Ranch Animals and the alluring :
" Hear these chicks scream as we tear their p*ssies wide open with our gigantic d1cks "

what almost got me was erica asking me if I'd like to Buy Online Viagra
which I mistook to read Buy Online Vagina - and clicked on, only to be discouraged by her selling of viagra.

Racoon misbehaving and the terrible WARNING : Sister gives head to brother were all casually deleted as well.

But today my friends and foes alike - one caught my attention.
It was simple, yet well put together.
Like a vagina before prom-night, yes. Before the alcohol and the drugs mess around with the little girl's mind and make her think that everything and everyone is a penis in which can bend her over sappy tree stumps and give her a good ol time. Unlike all the other subject headers for the porn industry - this one was almost comical, if not intrigueing.

it consisted merely of this :
What evil lurks in the pussies of these goth sluts?

and quite frankly - I really wanted to know.
what did lurk in them pussies - really now.
I clicked on the link to find this full-color ad screaming at me : " WHAT IS INSIDE OF THEIR PUSSIES FROM THE DARKSIDE?! "

so my question to you - my dear slugs : is to post FIVE PICTURES of things that you may believe are

this should be fun =)

May 07, 2003


see what yo nigga says to that one.
and andy being fair-game because he isnt on the board to defend himself?
wow - i actually laughed at that.

and what is this? do we have another photoshop contender? I do think so.
Looks like Im going to have to kick it off. ah hahahaha, unless jimmoi beats me to it.

Mwah hahah. - and since we're all hopped up on my love life ( or lack there of ) -
here's one for you. the following girl I am considering assimilating to be one of my :
" quote unquote " hot bitches -

the downside? is that picture is two years old and in 1962, she was eleven years old.
she grew up with the god-damned hippies and is in to all that crazy free love ...

but she's older than me, she's older than you - and she's worldly.
you see I came to exactly the same conclusion that Jeff had earlier :
that maybe I need someone who is more mature than myself to keep me in check.

so we'll see how this goes.

and by the way.
Im not delusional.
That last one was going to be my quote of the day. Damned if I didn't find a better one though

In the first place, God made idiots. That was for practice. Then he made school boards. -Mark Twain
There is nothing in the world that some man cannot make a little worse and sell a little cheaper, and he who considers price only is that man's lawful prey. - John Ruskin
so Andy logs onto AIM.

now I dont know about you all - but even though he and i havent spoken to eachother in a good year or two - i still get kicks outta this guy.
from what i hear through the grapevine he's been swooning over another californian internet girl.
she's seventeen. or sixteen. or eighteen - reguardless, in her teens.

so I go to look at his user-info and lo+behold, something was amiss.
Here is what I got :

What the hell you lookin at ? o_O -

I was almost dissapointed, nothing to laugh at!
So I checked the user-info of his " super secret screen name "
and got this :

I'm not good enough.

- woe, i said to myself.
maybe he finally hit the realization that when someone is a good number of states away,
that talking to someone else on a phone or chatting with them online - cannot compare to actual physical contact.
long distance relationships are doomed to fail, reguardless of how much people care for eachother.

I thought it was funny.
I got to thinking about him today at work and thought to myself :
He'd be making more money over there on the corrugator than I am right now.

Someone should tell him about " the big shibang " and tell him he's invited.
he wont come.

still. its the thought that counts.

Ah, the inherent problem with the internet... you think you have something different or unique, and you have immediate access to something that will prove you wrong. Go fig.

Labyrinth... unnngh... an afront to humanity. I wept for humanity, actually, when i first saw that movie... then i cursed the directors...

i imagine that the devil has taken their empty souls and is currently using them as the sex toys for his demonly minions...

(i don't get out much.)

Zach-o, you must come out here, it'll be good and fun, and I will NEED something to distract myself that weekend. Finals and such will be shortly coming thereafter and i need a moment of fun before i'm forced to grow up and leave these hallowed halls of academia.

I was talking to my friend Tiff, and i said, "You know, next time i go out with someone, she has to be smart... not book smart necessarily, but just... worldly... yeah, that'd be a nice change of pace... and she has to be able to hold conversation..." (not that my ex couldn't... but it's definitely a requirement for the future)...

to which i then added, "i suppose i'm in the right place"

she casually said, "yeah, guess so..."

which in turn made me think more on it, because it was one of those responses that says, "actually i doubt so..."

and then my memory turned up Crystal. Do you all remember my rants about her? Let me refresh your memories: "Robots existed during the industrial revolution and it was a glorious time for the children, where everybody got richer and nobody really suffered."


-- and there is my rant for today. Au revoir.
Good morning my American comrades!!! greetings from Russia with love!!!
Now i know how to do this shit, yeah!!!

May 06, 2003

Which post were you pointing to?


So I was watching Boston Public last night. Not a show known for amazing realism, but good still the same. I suppose someone without experience in school systems wouldn't take issue with some things. Anyway. So at the end they are having a music montage-showing various people with music over the top to wrap things up-you all know the type of thing. Then I realize...

"I know this song. Shit, this sounds like a NIN song. Wait a minute, that sounds like Johnny Cash singing."

It bugged me all day today. I couldn't for the life of me remember the name of the song. I finally get home and fire up Acquisition. Do a search for Johnny Cash Nine Inch Nails.

Johnny Cash, Hurt (NIN cover).

From his latest album.

I've always liked Johnny Cash, and now I respect him even more. The meaning of the lyrics doesn't loose anything with him singing. It's played with just an acoustic guitar and piano accompaniment.

Talk about a true musician. Been through hell, comes back. Gets Parkinson's, doesn't give up music. Doesn't shut out music by today's artists, but embraces that which is good.

NIN certainly is good in my book, but hey I'm easy to please.

The point is this: his version kicks ass.
Archives are working now.

im going to see if i can setup that search engine again.

-- and this was a classic post.
Heh you like the carbomb do you? Jolly good shit man. It's not a "true" carbomb unless you have a float of bailey's on top of the whiskey.

Sounds like you've finally graduated to the level of drunken partier. Welcome to the club man.

May 05, 2003

I was thinking along the same lines. I have plenty of camping gear, and I've wanted to take my Bronco out for a trip anyway. Maybe this weekend I'll get time to finish the new rear bumper....
I heard " you talkin to me? " was improvised.

also : when exaclty is THE BIG SHIBANG!

Ive decided it would be best if we all just met up at my old house - and then went to ft. lewis to ( !!! ) camp ( !!! )
Suicide-ish doors. Like my truck (and almost any extended cab pickup nowadays), the rear doors will only open if the front door already is.
Its a reflection of how he likes his enemies and bitches
( weak assed and watered down )
And that RX-8 has suicide doors. Mmmm. Suicidey doors of delight.

May 04, 2003

The RX-8 is one badass machine. Looking forward to seeing it on the dealer lots. I guess that means I'll have to start paying attention to Mazda lots. Fuck.

What the fuck is up with James Bond? What kind of pussy orders a martini shaken? ALL THAT FUCKING GETS YOU IS A WEAK ASS WATERED-DOWN MARTINI Fuck!
[prancing on the shores of illusions]

So... here i was, talking to chrissie and bonnie, and watching random ass dating shows.

"OH GOD, why JEFF"

simple -- because we don't have cable and at this time of night, on a saturday, since i have been studying and don't have anybody around that i want to hang out with tonight (mostly cause i've hung out almost all nights this week)

And plus... it's seriously hilarious... i can't explain it, and nobody here will believe me... but i was rolling on the floor dying...

and as i was rolling on the floor... i saw these people:

Now... you are probably wondering... "why are you posting about these people sitting around looking at each other all happy and stuff?"

Because, they were on a genital herpes commerical.

So i was thinking... they seem awfully happy...

and then next thing i know... they are scampering on the beach:

Wow... that makes me want genital herpes. I want to scamper carefree like that! How awesome...

Oh wait... no... hold on...

Well now... that doesn't look quite as much fun as scampering on a beach...

but the valtrex commercial didn't say anything about those funny little spores...

then again, they didn't say anything about this either:

Well now... Those Valtrex bastards... i was just about to go out and get myself some Herpes and get a royal injection of fun, excitment, and beach scampering into my life...

Good ol' Google to the rescue.

I hope this has been an informative post about the dangers of believing in Valtrex. Now, you'd think if they were trying to help out, they'd be a little more informative about genital herpes by talking about their drug and less about scampering people. I don't think if i had what is in that picture above that i'd be scampering anywhere. And certainly i wouldn't be like those nutcases in their happy bliss showing myself off.

LOOK AMERICA, i have genital herpes... wanna date?

May 03, 2003

I spaced on Bandit. The goblin truck and Christine can eat my asshole with a soup spoon. Just more examples of shitty retellings of Steven King books.

Chitty, Chitty Bang Bang. I almost gave it an honorable mention. Even went so far as to find a picture. Decided in the end that, although it is and Ian Fleming creation, it's just too gaudy. In it's defense the movie featured an actor that we all know and love. This actor has defined the theater experience of childhood for many. Yes, none other than the great Gert Fröbe.

You all remember him as Auric Goldfinger. But I'll never forget him as the delightful Wilhelm Blore in the 1974 telling of the Agatha Christie classic "And Then There Were None."

Yes, Indeed.

The Griswoldmobile. Got to love it. One of the funniest movies of all time.

'Nuff said. [<-click]
K.I.T.T. was homoerotic - you damn betcha he was.

I had to put KITT because the delorian was already taken,
and i had to put the COBRA car ( #4 ) because you already got the blues-brothers' car.

Just found out that the reason why our uber-archives of the past TWO YEARS PLUS arent loading -

turns out that blogger pro2 users have a bug that doesnt refresh+repost archives.

so much for " paying for the good stuff " eh.
OH SHIT THE GHOSTBUSTERS CAR! Fuck I knew I was forgetting something....

K.I.T.T. was a homo.
My automobiles of DOOM ( in no particular order )

1. You know not every car can talk to the driver, like K.I.T.T. did :

you know you want it.

2. It may be animated, but fuck you - its two in one mothafucka! One can get loads of mexicans illegally across the border-load them up in my SUV - and then take off in an uber fast police car. :
mexican transportationhaulin ass from the border patrol

3. Then you could watch as your ass gets wasted by the white-slugbug of GREATNESS :

4. Because I enjoyed the movie and the car just ruled all over :
hey, dont fuck with COBRA

5. And lastly - i cannot believe any of you didnt even mention it :
who you gonna call, mothafucka?

thats that niggas.
Jeff, that is one gay ass transformer, dude. I mean, seriously, a new beetle? That's a Capitol Hill transformer.

5) 1973 Trans-Am from McQ. John Wayne hauling ass around Seattle in a green trans-am. I loved that movie, despite not being a Trans-Am fan, and this car definitely deserves a spot on the list.

4) 1932 Ford coupe and 1955 Chevrolet Bel-Air from American Graffiti. The "piss-yellow" deuce coupe and the cowboy Milner's '55. The '55 was driven by Harrison Ford.

3) 1967 Mustang from Bullitt. Steve McQueen destroying San Francisco in a stang. Enough said.

2) 1973 Mustang Mach 1 from Gone In 60 Seconds (original 1974 release). This car was put through the fucking ringer, and still runs and drives today. This was the least-destroyed picture of the car I could find.

1) The Bluesmobile. All indications lead to this being a 1974 Dodge Monaco police cruiser. Former Mount Pleasant, Illinois police car. "The new model Oldsmobiles are in early this year."

That's what I came up with. Two mustangs...I guess I am a bit of a fan.
The sims online is basically a huge chatroom where the point of the game is to be nice to eachother and make friends.


I like that video. I've seen another where a guy goes 180 right past a cop. The cop never caught up.

Damn. I like your list, and I don't disagree with your choices. I just have a little commentary on the cars themselves.

That Lincoln in the Matrix is fucking sweet. Gotta say, one of my personal favorites.

Ferraris in general - badass. That Ferrari....oh yeah. Alain De Cadenet picked a '62 GTB very similar to that as his favorite Ferrari of all time. If you don't know who that is, look it up.

I haven't seen Training Day (I know, pitiful, aren't I?), but a '78 Monte is alright in my book.

Gone In 60 Seconds....that movie sucks worse every time I watch it. Man, talk about a shitty Disney remake of one of the greatest movies of all time. I love Shelby Cobras. I love Shelby Mustangs. That poor thing was neither. It may have been a GT500 at some point in it's life (I seriously doubt it), but what was in that movie was not a Shelby made vehicle. It was a Ford mustang that someone dressed up to try and look like a Shelby.

This is a true Shelby GT500. Not a great picture, but you can see one of the key differences between Ford and Shelby. I even drew an arrow to help.

Here we have a GT350. Very similar to a GT500. I pointed out two differences on this one.

Here we have a Ford mustang. This one has been heavily modified to match the one in 60 Seconds. It is not a Shelby. Nor did the builder intend to look like it. This is a very fast car, both in a straight line and around corners. Quite impressive, but not a Shelby.

Deloreans... These were the best cars ever made that didn't. If you catch what I mean. John de Lorean was a true automotive genius. The design and construction of those cars was 20 years ahead of it's time. Then de Lorean got caught up in some shitty deals with some drug smugglers...and it all came crashing down.

Stay tuned for my top five...this will take some thinking.

May 02, 2003

1. this is an inappropirate place for this discussion - not every slug wants to debate about my control issues.
2. Steven, that is the very question I pose : who said i wish to keep the women who leave me?
3. And fuck - RANDOM BYSTANDERS knew hat breanna was leaving me, towards the last two weeks of our relationship I treated her like SHIT. Or so I recall, of course I knew she was to leave me, the surprise - however - was that it was Justin. Someone I knew.

4. control. is a fun ... topic.
[more than meets the eye]

With all this talk about transformers... well actually, the talk that took place a couple of days ago...

i figured this little clip was rather appropriate, and pretty damn awesome, actually.

if it weren't for the fact that most CGI-focused movies sucked... i'd almost want them to try and make a movie... but that's more just childhood nostalgia.

anyway... click.

click here

for bradbury.

May 01, 2003

Oh god yes. Carrera GT. That thing gives me wood. Nothing like a nice 605 horsepower V10 to get your blood going.

Is it the cars, or the kinds of yuppie pricks that you typically find driving them that you hate? I've always had a healthy respect for Dr. Ferry's creations. More so after witnessing them firsthand in the American Le Mans race in Portland. That was a hell of a weekend.

It's somehow ironic that Ferdinand Porsche created the Volkswagen. Now, Volkswagen AG (including all of the various subsidiaries thereof) is one of Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG's biggest competitors.

Happy birthday Jimmoi. If I read all of that correctly. If not, then happy whatever.

Corona is good shit. Guinness draught is better. You, of all people, would be one of the last I'd expect to hear quote "The Fast and the Furious"
Are You HOT or NOT?

[Covered Beverages Only!]

So now i find myself sitting in the Health Sciences Library. Grand ol' place. Much better than Odegaard - the library that is the epitomé of old. I hate that place. It reeks of old. I hate old. Right now i do. I'm sure that will pass in time. Most things do.

I'm supposed to be working, but i'm not. Not right now anyway. Ungh. Instead, i'm just sitting here. Fuming. Still.

Ungh, i wish i could be like jimmoi and james, and hate girls... or well, that's jimmy anyway. Keeping track of attitudes on things is hard work when your 60-some-odd miles away from the action.

I can't though... simply because i have found some that redeem them, and i have found guys that plunge our sect into patheticism. <-- look, i made that word up.

So then that leaves me with the option to hate youth, like James, and Jimmoi (again, i'm not sure of that). Alas, i can't do that for the same stated reasons above. Exceptions to the case that are big enough that you can't just consider it a rule.

So then what? I guess superficiality. But i'm not ready to settle on that yet, simply because i have not considered how superficial i am, and i don't want to be hypocritical. I abhore hypocriticalness (even though i'm sure i have at least some level of hypocriticalness).

Ugnh... this is starting to become a rambling "way too personal" post... and i hate those. Why the hell am i venting to you all. Damnit.

I had something brilliant to say just now, but this really fat guy sitting across the table from me seems to be having difficulty breathing. He's on a Dell Laptop. Damn you Dell -- you're killing the FATpeople..

Seriously, i have a job for all of you... if it gets to the point where i can easily rest my hands on my gynormous belly like this man can... kill me. I'm not kidding. Even if i'm pleading through my pizza-encrusted lips... just put me out of my misery. That is if i'm not dying already from heart attack, or choking on the millionth marshmellow i might have eaten.

I wish i had a digital camera right now. Then you could all see him. No -- i'd rather have a DV camera, then i'd make a QuickTime movie and show you his difficulty breathing.

Seriously, it's like, "Ahhhhhhh...hhruuurrrrruuuu....ahhhhhhhhhh....hurrrrrhhhhrrrruuuuuuu...."

Oh, and he's got an earring in. On his... hold on... left ear. I don't know why that's important... but it's pissing me off... maybe cause he should have spent the money for that on something like a SlimFast.

--Oh wait, gotta rub my triple chin... wait... hand stuck in the folds of the second one... must pull free... good god, what's this... oh just the twix bar i lost the other day... yuummmmmmm.--

I should really be doing my work... searching for articles... but at the same time, i'm worried that if i get up... El Lardo is gonna get a hankerin' fer some food and mistake my iBook for a cheeseburger...

I'm being abnormally mean... oh well... need to vent some how...

--ungh... gotta pick ear... wax... wax... fruit... waxfruit... looks like real fruit... fruit bad... fruit bar with extra cheese... uummmmmmmm *** starts choking on image of eating a waxfruit bar covered in melted nacho cheese.--


My mind is slipping away.

[i am jack's fuming anger]


Argh. No, nevermind. I'm not about to use the board as my own personal-life dumping ground. Instead, i will say... that it is i am a remarkable thing... and i don't say that out of self-graduer. I mean that more in the sense that it is amazing i have not climbed a clock tower and started unloading bullets into every FUCKING RED HONDA CIVIC HATCHBACK that i see.

Fuck materialism and fuck superficiality. I'm tired of such things, and more tired of how people can suddenly go from being a good, decent... wonderful person... to being a shallow individual. Is life that hard that we just revert to the basest of forms of humanity.

Apparently, at times so.

Jeff's faith in humanity (out of 100): 7.

I'm surprised that i managed that.

Yay, managed a post without overly getting into personal issues. Way to go me.

Oh and... FIRST POST! (rules over second post)