October 11, 2001

Thankfully I rarely get these anymore... but I got one today, and out of pure bordom I filled it out. I figured, 'Hey, why not share it...' (hahaha)

1)Starting time: 8:11 pm
2)Name: Tarina
3)Nicknames: Tarwyn, Fruitcake, Hwyfar, Hershey's, Tim, Cowgirl, Sweety, Raven, Rose, Alien, 'The Child', Crazy One, Wierd One, Chica, Cutey, Sweets, Camelion, Pimpstress, Mischievious One, Devil's Child, Psyco, The Red-Haired Chic, Unicorn/Fabled Creature, Moon Mistress, Runner, 'T', TR, 'LIL' One, Shadow
4)School: Karrolinska
5)Screen name: ?
6)Eyes: no specific color, change all the time… except my night eyes which are a crystallic green
7)Height: 5'6"
8)Siblings: One half older sister, 2 step brothers - 2 host brothers, 3 host sisters (all in all out of my two host families)
9)Been so drunk you threw up?: nope
10)Been so drunk you blacked out?: nope
11)Ever cheated on a test?: yup
12)Ever helped someone cheat?: on school work… and some tests
13)Missed school because it was raining?: no
14)Set any body part on fire for amusement?: yes
15)Kept a secret from everyone?: yes
16)Wanted to hook up with a friend?: yes
17)Had an imaginary friend?: several in fact =)
18)Cried during a flick?: hehe… you bet
19)Had a crush on a teacher?: no, had several I was fond of though
20)Ever thought an animated character was hot?: I don't remember who, but quite a few
21)Ever at any time owned a New Kids on the Block tape?: no
22)Do you like Minuto?: I have no idea what that is
23)Prank called someone?: =)
24)Been onstage?: but of course

25)Shampoo?: strawberry
26)Soap?: strawberry
27)Colors?: no specific, but I really like black, silver, all green shades
28)Day/night?: NIGHT… but 3 hours in a day of sunlight is acceptible
29)Summer/winter?: Autumn, Winter… Summer is okay
30)Online smiley?: =) :)
31)Lace or satin?: Silk, satin… most lace is itchy!
32)Union or Conferderate?: NEITHER
33)Do you like anyone?: yes…
34)Who's the biggest asshole you know?: my sister
35)Who have you known the longest of your friends?: …. Can't say
36)Who's the loudest?: too many loud ones
37)Who's the shyest?: lil one
38)Who do you go to for advice?: the voices in my head… haha :P
39)Who do you get the most surveys from?: don't get many
40)Who do you cry with?: myself or a close guy friend

-----------IN THE LAST 2 WEEKS------------
41)Cried?: yup
42)Cut your hair?: nope
43)Gone to a party?: hmm…? Oh yes I have :)
44)Been mean?: yup
45)Been sarcastic?: your asking me this, why?
46)Met someone new?: uh huh
47)Talked to someone you have a crush on?: hehe… =)
48)Missed someone?: yes =(
49)Hugged someone?: yes
50)Fought with your parents?: not possible… they're almost on the other side of the planet
51)By the way, what do you think of the person who sent you this?: interesting, good actor, sarcastic, nice person
53)Played Truth or Dare?: nope
54)Watched sunrise/sunset?: pretty
55)Went to the beach at night?: =(
56)Took a bath/shower?: haha… but of course! =P
57)Read a book for fun?: several
58)Ate a meal?: if I hadn't I'd be dead
59)Are you lonely?: partly
60)Are you happy?: partly
61)Are you talking to someone online?: Yup yup… Mike.

--------------DO YOU BELIEVE IN-------------
62)God/Devil?: Agnostic
63)Love?: of course… not the best thing at times though
64)The Closet Monster?: you never know
65)The Big Bang Theory?: don't know
66)Heaven/Hell?: look at #62
67)Superstitions?: eep?
68)What is your full name?: Tarina Rose Reichert
69)Who named you?: my biological parents that I'm aware of
70)Backstreet Boys or N'Sync?: both will do well for target practice… one or two of there songs are okay
71)When was the last time you showered?: before this survey
72)When was the last time you had a boyfriend/girlfriend?: currently… unfortunately
73)When was the last time you brushed your teeth?: before my shower
74)What was the last thing you said online?: what are you doing this weekend?
75)What is right next to you?: shelves of books
76)What is your computer desk made of?: some sort of wood
77)What is the last thing you ate?: chips
78)Who do you have a crush on?: They know…. or don't know
79)Where do you want to go on your honeymoon?: away from civilization
80)Who do you want to spend your life with?: ideally… Hwyfar
81)How many buddies do you have on your list?: many lists, too many buddies
82)How's the weather right now?: windy, clear skies
83)What did you do last night?: talked online, worked on my project, studied Swedish and math
84)What's the best thing you find about the opposite sex?: depends on which individual
85)Favorite hair color of the opposite sex?: black, dark brown… some red =)
86)Pizza or ice cream?: BOTH!!!
87)How do YOU eat an Oreo?: with milk and whatever kind of junkfood I can find
88)All-time favorite TV show?: none
89)Favorite quote?: no specific, but here's one "Reality is what you believe it to be"
91)Favorite person?: the 'inner' me
92)What are your future goals?: I'm not telling
93)Favorite music?: everything… yes, everything, from Beathoven to some rap… country to Acid Jazz... ect
94)Favorite food?: don't know, so much I still haven't tried
95)Favorite movies?: none
96)Favorite days of the year?: lots of days… but I like Friday the 13th's
97)Least favorite time of the year?: large family social gatherings
98)Do you like to dance?: yes
99)Fast or slow?: both
100)Are you too shy to ask someone out?: somewhat, depends on my mood and who it is
101)Did you notice number 90 was missing?: yes
102)If you could change your name what would it be? Tarwyn most likely
103)Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?: Bear is her/his name, I got him when I was 3½… he at home :(
104)Have you ever been in love?: currently
105)What is the stupidest thing you've ever done?: *ROTFLOL*
106)What will your first son's name be?: Hwyfar
107)First daughter's?: Still trying to figure that one out
108)Favorite drink?: too many… prefer ice to water
109)Do you like scary or happy movies better?: both equally
110)On the phone or in person?: for what... talking? sex…? Couldn't say
111)Lust or love?: Love, though lust has it's merits
112)If you could change something about yourself, what would it be?: the voices
113)Do you consider cheerleading to be a sport?: hahaha…
114)Do you want your friends to do this survey?: I sent it to no one :)
115)Time done: 8:43 pm

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