November 30, 2000

Well my dearest Josephine, my sinserest appolloygollgeez to you, I didnot mean to destroy your kristmas spirit, if you would like I will pretend that I never said anything about it at all and will even say that you thought of it first, I will also tell others that the onkology dep. kopied you, will this help to ease the pain? Anywho... howdid you enjoy the presentation of the snail today? kwite entertaining no? I kant wait for the sequel...

Max, I must also extend my sinserest appolageez to you as well, I never intended to smash your feelings into a little pastey pulp, I believe you would best remember me as the good dok who hit on you whilst you were online under your brothers aol akkount name. I would also like to make it known to you that your brother [mud] is trying to pass other people off as you... although quite unsucksesfully.

Mr.Bradbury, I believe I may have had the pleasure of making your aquaintens at one point and time, however to my dismay I canst remember when. Praytell, what yeer deed yu gradgeeate frum beethell hi skuul? [im doing my best with the bethel edumakation i has reseeved]

James, the pully thing will never go over, AT ALL, so dont try it kuz it aint gonna happen like you think... what are you going to do when you miss the 'target' and hit something else not quite so pleasent if you catch my drift?

Alas, I shall now retire for the evening, I have a competition for tomarrow that i must be in sound mind [or as close as possible] to be able to argue properly.
Remember kiddy's ALL good children go to Heaven....

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