November 15, 2000

I've just sent Mr. R an invitation to post here. I hope to gather Napster's email address by tomorrow and get him on this as well... that is, if he has a computer to work from. A side note : Today I saw a commercial which popularized "Home Computers" ... and the concept confused me. How many of you out there have computers where you 'share' the computer with your ENTIRE family? I wouldn't be able to take it. From the age of around 7-9 I've had my own computer (which at the time was a packard bell, and packard bells suck. a lot) I found it funny, very funny - that people buy computers on impulse these days -- not because they need it, as much as everyone else is getting a computer so they better as well.

I laugh at all of you out there having to share your computer with the rest of your family. & I also laugh at anyone who buys the game Frogger 2 for a PC to play on. I don't laugh if you've already bought it, played it, and have fun playing it. You are too far beyond laughing at. You are fit to be our president or a teacher at a public school. Hell, write news reports.
I've realised plenty of the 'news' that is fed to the public is a crock of shit.

" Panem et Circences " - Bread and Circuses.
I have it written on my wall.
Remember that always.
As long as you've got food in your stomache, and clowns to laugh at - everything's fine. ah hah. hah hah. hah.

In other news, What everyone wants to do with the _____.:::ó idea I'm not against, but it strays from the original reason I tried to get this together ( and is horribly, horribly failing at ). If you've gotten an invitation to this - I've given it to you because I respect your opinion, and would like you to contribute. I know, it's difficult at this moment in time - but with the Idea's that both Aaron (Whitechocolate) and Jake (not here yet) have contributed, I plan to make things much easier. I'm working on the site even as we speak. Or well, it should be done by this weekend.

I don't want to go to school tomorrow. But damnit, I'm going to have to. I think I'm going to go shoot myself now.
- bang.

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