November 23, 2000

ok... it's thanksgiving and the slugs-post is taking off like a wingless bat in a hurricane. I've got to do the following things : Get in on the posting, reply to my own question (decade) - respond to Jospehine, Bradbury, and Napster (Napster's in! hoo rah!), get Mr.R in - I guess I have to help him out or something, and I'm even going to get my 1st youngest sibling in / Michael. Busy, busy day! Also please take note that if you misspell anything and don't correct it or misstype an HTML tag - I automatically fix the error (ahh, the glories of being admin) As Josephine had called Bradbury a 'firat aider' and I got n-n's A=HREF to work. hee hee. Ok! REPLY TIME!
Bradbury : Yes, BESS sucks ass. I hear there is actually a group of people out to get it removed - and I think they will get absolutely nothing done with their ... bantering on. As for cars - the only three things I know about cars is that 1. Heather's is POS, 2. I will soon be getting a car, and 3. In the event I have car troubles - Get ahold of castro. heee. And also - I would say that there is a very high chance that we will fuck up the next decade.... giving the next decade so we can fix it all up again and learn from our mistakes ;)
Josephine : [dances] POS, POS, Who's got a POS, POS [stops dancing] heee hee hee. Firat aider? :b Too bad you couldn't come over for thanksgiving... we had marshed partatoes, and turhkey. Yummm. I finally got around to reading your article in the newspaper - and yes, you sound 'dumbed down'... heeee. monosyllabic words..
Napster : WhiteChocolate was originally a sophomore when me and my [now aten by the monster called Graduation] cohorts took him under our wing - as he was the only sophomore to exhibit an intelligence level beyond that of " poo ". And yes, you're funny - and I'll never forget the one time Hanson made the mistake in stating that every war had music .. aka, the 'soundtrack bit'. classic.
N-N : I fixed your link, and the 50's were good ( hee hee, petty paige... yum. ) I myself chose the 1920's to be my decade - merely because of the amount of care-free'ness that proliferated the decade... Of course we all know they paid for it when Black Tuesday came along - but hey, it was a great time to party! Guys wore suits, girls wore dresses - people got drunk, and life was grand. (read the Great Gatsby, I drool, A&E is having a new rendition of Great Gatsby sometime soon - I do wish to see it)
In conclusion - EVERYONE MUST SEE THE NEW DUNE ON DECEMBER 3rd, SCI-FI CHANNEL ... and I am off to go find the bacon my mom hid this morning... It has to be somewhere in the fridge, and if not -- i'll just make my own, HAH!

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