November 13, 2000

Today on the way home my mother began bitching at me for not having a job, again. I always tell her the same thing - but it never seems to soak in. All of my associates have gotten jobs because they have gotten cars, they didnt pay for the cars, their parents did. The car therefore allows them to 'go out' and get a job.

My father however, has decided to move us to Roy. Him being anti-social it's a perfect fit, as Roy is in the middle of nowhere (although quickly developing because it's up here in WA... much to his dismay). So I'm in the middle of nowhere and I'm suppose to get a job. Jobs happen to be at least 4 miles away, so to get to the job I'd have to walk some umpteen number of miles.

Or maybe it's just because I'm lazy? eh heh.

Oh well. A funny thing I thought up while on the toilet today was a question for any self-proclaimed feminist. Ask a feminist to name the woman who sewed the first American flag, that - or what George Washington's wife's name was. I found it amusing that the majority of feminists wouldnt be able to tell you.

Another thing I happened to think up today was about the electoral college. Seems there is a bunch of buzz around talking about constitutional amendments eliminating the electoral colleges. After talking in #infantry ( yes, sadly, #infantry ) I have come to the conclusion that direct elections would be disasterous.... and the two reasons being :

1. It would make the states of which are suppose to be equal exactly the opposite. Where-ever there were a lot of people then that state would have the most power on national elections.

2. It would give the opportunity for anyone in a majority to 'take over' the governement. The electoral college is the 'check/balance' on the PEOPLE, the people being a branch of government. I dont see why I never thought that people were a brance of government, since you've got your Legislative, Judicial, and Executive. You're probably wondering how people need to be 'check/balanced'. Well figure this, I think right at the brink of the depression there was a huge number of KKK members, and there were a helluva lot of them. Say there gets to be a whole hell of a lot of Neo-nazis in our country, and they count for the majority of people. Guess what buddy? Without electoral colleges to make sure that the fourth brance ( repeat : people ) is check/balance then we'd have another Hitler running the United States of America. I'm sure the majority party (neo-nazi) would have no problem with cooking up Jews, mixed races, and other such people they don't like.

Electoral colleges were designed for a blasted reason.

1 comment:

  1. I mentioned this before to you, but I thought I'd post it as a comment for the sake of posting something. Plus, it's a comment to a post that is nearly eight years old.

    I would argue that the Press is the supposed "fourth" branch, providing a check and balance in the form of disseminated information. It has been argued time and again that in order for a democracy to work, you need an informed electorate, and in the modern age, an informed electorate means a free press.

    Furthering this thought, you could argue that the press is nothing more than a tool for the fourth branch (your "people") to use. However, as we have seen in real-world situations, the press is not by any means unbiased. It tilts either left or right (or at least appears so), and because the format in which the information is disseminated, makes the Press (in the US at least) more like a decisive body than a tool.

    Thus, I argue, that the Press is the branch, and the information that it disseminates is the tool.

    Just a thought.
