November 20, 2000

I've suddenly come up with a brilliant idea that I'll be able to execute quite effectively. It's a new website, and yes - I know how much I swore up and down to all hell and back that I'd never make a new one ever again, but it'll be... neat - to say the least. It also requires me to get a camera, which in itself will be more difficult than making the website itself. So - to make things short, sweet, and simple - if you're registered for _l_o_o_s_e__s_l_u_g_s___.:::ó and I happen to come up to you with a camera trying to take a picture of you... remember - it's all for the good of the slugs, and smile. Or else the many slugs that keep your garden'a growing will rise up by my command, much the same as the russians rose up by Lennon's command, and will proceed in a systematic plan to destroy/pillage/burn/rampage/elephants/murder/stab/chop/slice/dice/erradicate/erase/chase/exterminate and/or not like you.
insert evil laugh here, and notice I used an HR, HAA HAA


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