September 17, 2001

Found a way to write my thoughts and all of that ........... But who can understand them...............

Believe in
World outside of me
it moving randomly, or that it be, carelessly, there existing now.
That you outside of me and self of you outside reality.
Three places now I see.
You think you more, or are am, but at least could be, reasoning and purposefull.
I see you moving randomly, not quite chaotic really.
Maybe slave to greater thing, like ant know of the hill.
I see me moving randomly and know, or there are no, reasons, for me to be me
but at least, I am or could be, agent free, ant knowing of the hill.
I aware of me.... are you aware of me being aware of you ?
Where comes a uniformity to like this type of clutter, preference for some arbitrary kind of life, or rather, way of being.
This be am or was, I thought at least, I know to be greater than you or I, but less than me, outside of us, hill we building...
Are we sure that we are free ?
Is ant who agent of the hill, he, is he almost thought, he free.
Life all regarding Me....................................

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