September 19, 2001

107.7 tHe EnD SUCKS ASS

it is my new way of begining posting. go figure. and why? why would I say such a thing about that FM station at the end of the musical dial we around the seattle/tacoma area know of as the place for new music? BECAUSE THEY PLAY THE SAME DAMN SHIT OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER.

Take, for instance, the first day ( which was a week ago ) I began to have to listen to them at work / I heard a song I havent heard in a long while. Offspring - I forget the name of it, but I know it has this line : " The more you suffer, the more it shows you really care ... right? yee-aaah. " - and everytime I hear this song I think of Steven. Steven is a hard-kore ( yes, with a k ) offspring fan. Or of what I kne(o)w of him to be. He still stood by his band even when they semi-sold out. I still cant exactly forgive them for the " Taxi Driver " incident. but anywho. For the past week I've heard that song at least three times each day. When I go to work, when I am at work, and then when I get out of my car when I'm home from work. This is not just that song by The Offspring. It is also Nirvana's Teen spirit. I can only hear " yeeeah .... yeeeaaaah ..... yeeeeeaaaah, here we are now ... " so many bloody fucking times. The same with " HAD YOU A HEART WORTH BREAKING " - whoever sings that bloody song. CHROIST. OVER AND OVER. Why does it suck ass? Because it is JUST LIKE KUBE - with the exception that it replays a different genre. FUNKY MONKEY plays a wider variety of music than them. CHROIST. AND I DONT WANT TO HEAR NEW BUSH SONGS GOD DAMNIT.

--- ==== : INTERRUPTION : === ---

music news you should not pay attention to :

RATM, MOBY, and SoaD have all been taking flak for anti-american idealism, RATM recently had their website SHUT DOWN due to the government.

Slipknot, after everyone has forgotten that they existed and got over the fact that they were REALLY wearing masks.... like... REALLY they were! --- releases a new album, featuring a hit song they came up with one night of deep introspection. Asking themselves why they were " left behind " for the new and upcoming crazy rascals that everyone will love MUDVAYNE.

Bush came up with a really great song called " GRAVITY KILLS " but then was warned with a lawsuit by the band of the same name... so not wanting to give up the song, Gavin with his creative self comes up with " SPEED KILLS " . . . Wow. Bush is so talented, I tell ya.

so im at work right. yeah. and so i smell this stuff. at first i thought it was the stinky guy i worked with. but it wasnt. but then i thought it was the other guy i worked with... nope, wasnt him either. it kept following me around, so i then realized it was me. so i smelled my shirt. smelled fine. smelled my pants. smelled fine. something smelled. for the longest time ( two days ) i couldnt figure out what it was. then i found out it was my hair. maybe it was my shampoo. was my shampoo that rancor? it was a horrible smell. it almost made me want to puke. so i went home and promptly washed my hair. the next day, it was there again. hmm. i changed shampoo the next day. it was still there. i gave up. i'd have to live with the stench until i died. i went to go eat lunch. i sat down. i took off my ear-protection and then the stench overwhelmed me. instantly i found it was the ear-dampners. i smelled the inside of one... nothing, inside the other and my nostrils were taken on a thrill ride. i almost puked up what i hadn't aten. it was horrible. there was a spongey substance in one of the ear-muffs. i took it out. it was sopping wet. it smelled. bad. i washed out the empty ear thing with water. and soap. and dried it. and threw away the sponge. and the it hit me again. it was sweat. but why did my sweat smell that horrible? wait. i let jimmoi use the ear-things. damn. jimmoi's dirty sweat was all on me. i remember how he said he didnt take showers for like four days. " its work, you're suppose to smell " he had told me. i thought different. i felt sick. really sick. i imagined all the days i'd been around him when he hadn't showered for days and he had that eerie foreign jimmoi smell. that was the connection. but it was so much worse. it was like cologne au'deu jimmoi. as if you took him when he hadnt showered for three weeks, and then wringed him dry over a bowl and drank it. it was horrible. i yelled at him. today i smelled it again. " HOW!?! " I asked myself. then in the foamy padding of the earmuffs there were cuts. there were more sponge stuff. i quickly taped over it during lunch, and spent the rest of my four hours in non-smelling jimmoiness.

i have to buy my own ear dampeners.
anyone know where to buy them?
i was figuring Home Depot. heh.

that is all .. .. ..

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