September 19, 2001

For Tarwyn ... just so you know You had hot made me angry, you simply brought up a point that I felt I ought to address so that no one would misunderstand my creative intentions..

Idea Virus
Is like virus worn out and on faces all with tired looking
people have idea virus in them minds say boundless meaningless
transmitted through communication data born not in the air bug
EXTRA TASTY CRISPY (TM) .. Owning make me something
Clamy grimace secreting labor in exchange for empty favor
need all kind of luxury it say life style is accessory
and attitude am countinance is accessory
for more to self projecting image of self say self denial thereof
Ideas empty working without living forgetting love and die
working without living for Owning making me something
people have idea virus doctor where the cure
humanity empty search for
happy in things but isn't looking there is wrong
Idea virus staring out empty virus saying
life empty we need all this and move with this but random motion emtpyness
this found in idea virus and out on them with having it inside
suffering in silence having all things there and time not one to spare a moment
empty non philosophy
idea virus getting harder
work a day away with me.............

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