July 19, 2001

you know.... WHAT ??

mitchwholesome: hey-so i go on online-in somethingawful.com-but i didnt, i typed in somethignawful.com---and yea, it get this shit---look at it-its weird...its like a CULT page...

mitchwholesome: http://www.somethignawful.com

... Immortality device? .. umm...


and after reading what this guy thinks about " God " -- better yet, his " philosophy " on " God " I have one thing to say...

this is why Pi was a bad movie


I'm sorry :
You should give money to the homeless. No one chooses to be poor. People end up being poor. You are a lot better off than them. So if you see a homeless asking you for a quarter or two, give. Its just a way of saying "Hello". You must have the correct manner.

and Only Alex Chiu has the solution to a unified world, unless you can think of a better one.

this person will be shot down. I plan to do it. systematically. and it will take a long time.

egg salad.
back to sleep I go.

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