July 26, 2001

I like Duke's ideas, but I also have to agree with Bradbury.

Yes we should all take a break once in a while from looking at the 'big picture'. If you don't, then your apt to go a little nutty at times, then again I'm nutty…. that's besides the point.

"Mike your a cool guy but please spare us from your mathematical anomalies and the little number things that go through your head." I like Mike's mathematical problems… they're interesting and they give me a wider variety of things to think about. That and his little 'irregular' ways of thinking are a nice change from the usual package of a persona.

Yes, women play mind-games. I play mind games with people… strangers, friends, my parents. Doesn't really matter, it's just a fun thing to do. Guys are easier to play with usually and it seems to confuse most of them more, that is probably why women target them or seem to target them more often, because they actually notice we're screwing with their minds. Why other women I couldn't say, I do it as a pastime.

Yes Bradbury, the Clinton administration was a great one, but all most people don't seem to realize or remember is the fact that he got caught with the secretary. WHOOPTY-DOO!!! It happens, most of our past presidents probably did a whole lot more than he did. :p

As for us breaking the treaty, that seems to be a reoccurring thing in American history. Our government did it to the Indians time and again. There are several other examples, but I'm not really good at history, so I'm leaving it at that!

"if you paid attention we are as close to nuclear war as ever" <~~~ Bradbury
I happen to actually like the idea of nuclear war a lil bit. If we blew up enough people, that would solve the population crisis, for now at least… then again, if we blew up all people and the planet was still here, a whole new race could take over (if they did I'd hope they were smarter than we were and not so prone to go about killing eachother).

In the end I think everyone is entitled to their own opinion, only they should listen to what others have to say and take it into consideration. Look at the pros and cons of each point of view, find some way to relate. That way in the end, even if you still have your same opinion, you can understand where the other person is coming from, and likely get along a whole lot better. You can still argue and debate over whatever the disagreement is, but no matter what you can't really force a person to change their mind. They may say otherwise to keep from being beet up if you threaten them, but their thoughts will still be the same.

Well that's all I've got to say for now. Hope you all have a nice day, or a crappy one if that's what your hoping for. Either way…

Four days till I go to Sweden!

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