July 25, 2001

Something Interesting for you all... Hey guys i have been doing a little digging on the number of people on this planet ... I have a graph of the estimated population of the earth and how it has grown since the birth of christ ... It looks like this ...

People THis of course looks exponential
+ * Current statistics say the population(of earth) is about 6,000,000,000 and that it will double over the next
+ 300 years. So taking the average 6,000,000,000/300 = 20,000,000 That is
+ * The population is going to be growing by about 20 million people per year....... With that in Mind
+ If you are now 19 then there will be approx 6,520,000,000 people on earth when you are 45 ...
+ * That is about 8% increase... If you have children when you are twenty five there will be 6,620,000,000 people
+ On earth when they are 25... So, what does this mean ?... Well, the surface area of the earth is about 1.9x10^(17) square
+ * inches and about 7% of that is land, so about (3.23x10^(16) square inches of land to stand on. The average person
+ takes up about 60 square inches when standing, that is, (1/10^13)% of the earths surface (not to mention
+ * Living space or farmland for food production) ... So we cover about (6/10^4)% of available land now !... and that will change
+ * Figuring from our graph that population growth is exponential, and applying a bit if integral calculus, we get the following
---------*----------------------------------------------2000 Time ( Formula for the population of the earth 250,000,000x(ln(1.8)/1567)^(t) where t is in years since the birth of christ
So taking that we will need about 10^13 people to cover 1% of the earth it will take 10^15 to cover the whole earth (standing shoulder to shoulder) .. now solving for t
we get t = 40,526 I.E. About the year 40,526 A.D. Every square inch of land on this planet will be covered with people.. How will we grow food ?.. Taking that the average human life span is now about 87 years that puts the deadline at about 442 generations.. Humans have been living in cities for about 45 generations (we haven't had time to
evelove past being cave-people, and I doubt that 442 generations is enough either !!!!........ WHOOO !! Got to love math !!

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