July 25, 2001

I LOVE GWB .......... Recent news from the guy who spawned such great ideas as "Drug free since 1974"... Did you ever hear BWG's Great quote
"There ought to be limits to freedom" I love that one... So here are two things this great country has done in the last year... WOW GWB Really does represent the feelings and ideals of this nation.

1. GWB's innovative plan to put a stop to nuclear disarmament... "What were we thinking, throwing weapons of mass destruction away as if they were not useful ?"
2. America America .. The only country in the world to vote against maintaining a global ban on Biological Weapons... YEUP He sure saved us there... What the hell was going through our minds when we thought "BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS ARE BAD ?"....... HAHA With the population going up so fast and all, these weapons will be very helpful in trimming the poor and homeless fat don't YOU think so ?...

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