February 02, 2001


Some time ago, jimmy brought up a situation in which he was at a urinal and this guy, instead of showing common guy courtesy and using a urinal away from him, used the urinal right next to him. That situation that jimmy found himself in was totally uncalled for. As an unspoken rule, guys always give each other that extra urinal of comfort. It is like a comfort/privacy zone. It is a huge faux pas to impede upon that privacy zone.

The reason why i bring this issue up today is because of something i witnessed today that measures up along side what jimmy experienced. I went to the restroom, and what do i see but a guy using one of the urinals. That in itself is not uncommon. However, one has to realize that on my floor, in the men's restroom, there are only three urinals. This gentlemen decided to use the middle urinal, when the other two were completely unused. Why?? Does he not understand the Comfort Zone policy? Was he trying to claim the right to pee wherever he felt like it? It was uncalled for.

I thought this matter was of some importance to talk about briefly. Of course, now that i look at what i just wrote, i realize that i must sound like a complete raving lunatic.

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