February 21, 2001


*Disclaimer: This is NOT my Mega-Post. Stay tuned for that.

Today has been a rather busy day in my little world. I have been working steadfastedly toward the goal of getting my moral development paper done. However, my efforts up to this point have paid off, and my work is now complete, and two days ahead of time. For those of you who do not understand or know how i operate, this is quite a new feat for me. Up until this point, my acedemic life had only known one philosophy: Procrastination. However, this new ideology is quite intriguing, and i plan on seeing exactly how far i can take it. One of the most striking things about it is that i don't have that waking dread i get just before the due date of an assignment. Quite the contrary in fact. I feel quite energetic and relived. How odd...

Aside from the vigor expended toward getting that paper done, my day has been filled with a surmountable deal of what i like to call "there is nothing better to report than about jebediah's pet frog being able to burp the Declaration of Independence" news.

What are you talking about jEFF?

Simple. Today i was lay victim to a great deal of worthless journalistic reporting, and lo-and-behold, it wasn't from Q13 Reports, like i am quite used to. For about ten minutes i watched a news report about how some guy landed his plane on a road in University Place. Wow. To top of that finely crafted and intriguing story, i saw footage of school children taking a field trip to see the great landing of 2001. Wow x2. Guess what every witness's response to the plane's landing was? Whoa, that was awesome! I felt like i was watching dozens of little Neo's as they reported about seeing the great plane land from somewhere within the Matrix. Wow.

Afterward there was various news briefs about recalled products, including a report about Barbie sunglasses that can cause cancer. Seriously. I guess i had it wrong when i said that hotwheels causes cancer. Ah, but then again, Mattel owns both. Hmmm, could jEFF have been right all along??

I would have pictures to provide with these stories but unfortunately my day, as i said above, has been very busy. But fear not, for i will soon post some images of these events that i have spoken about, as all part of my Mega Post, or maybe earlier than that. I should be able to procure some images tomorrow after i give a quick introductory speech for Amnesty International. Yeeup, that's right, i am moving up in rank, givin' speeches in front of people and whatnot. Wow.

On the subject of my MegaPost, i have come up with a hair-raisin', or at least the equivalent of barn-raisin', idea. Why not have a post-off... You know, where one day we all post the best type of post we could ever come up with and see who can post the best. Well, that's the basic gist. It would be like the Grammies, for Blogger. Okay, so the idea actually sucks, but its late at night, and i am not quite all here, not to mention that this post was meant for Wednesday night, but i typed so long that it is now Thursday morning. Damn, foiled again.

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