February 20, 2001

I use to be so big and strong, i use to know my right from wrong
I use to never be afraid - I use to be somebody

so sings my radio at the moment. yes - i have come to post. to lay down the law. my iron-fist rule will not waiver for the likes of anyone who could take over the board. for my word is god-like.. ( ? ) uh.

let's recap, shall we? Jimmoi has recently posted his picture up on ekissable.... that means I have to as well - just so that one of us can gloat about how the other is "better looking" than the other one. Hmm, but what picture should I use? This one?

[ tune in later for pictures of james licking his nipples! ]
you can't wait, can you?

hah hah, funny. nah. ill probably have to look through my files and have heather say "ooh, use this one" blah blah blah. and so on. --- the one jimmoi used is kind of old... so if i can find that picture of me that jeff took ( in b/w ) when i was in the car, ill use that one. anywho, enough about pictures. we should enter jeff. heh. then everyone will know what he looks like... the mysterious jeff-o in college...

hmmm. I beat the game Oni today. It was rather a dissapointent, but the fighting engine is still so much fun - i can re-load anywhere I want and fight a boss, which is awesome. So that'll keep me entertained for awhile. If anyone wants a copy of it - just ask. because i dont need the ceedee anymore. Plans for this week are nil - with exception that on friday is a big day to go movie-watching. Hopefully no dumbshits will be there ( insert wav clip of people behind us talking about Monkey Bone ).

By the way - about Monkey Bone ... how in the world could Tim Burton sink so low as to the acting career of ... ah shit, i forgot his name. YOU know him as Encino Man, or ... more recently, TARZAN -- or even more recently : THAT GUY WHO NEVER ASKED SATAN TO BE SATAN. AH HAHHAHAA.. "Hey satan, I wish that ... I AM SATAN ..... " ... anywho.... yeah. what the hell? what the hell has happened to Tim burton, I don't know. where was I?

at the time in which I voted for jimmoi his rating was 3.17 ... hey - he beat the 2.3 mark! and he isn't even blonde! and he doesn't have breasts! and he doesnt look like THIS GUY ... ah hahahah! oooh, happy day... even if it is sadly boring and i've got nothing else to do. i think ill look at the demo ceedee i got with Oni.

some last notes however :

1: JEFF! please start using

{hr} {center} {title} {/center} {hr}

for your posts! the un-centered text is driving me looney! LOOOONEY! L~O~o~O~o~O~n~N~y! It just doesn't look right. ( dies )

2: anyone want to know what xes-ttub sounds like when it's reversed with gold wave? go ahead, say xes-ttub once and awhile. I bet you wont know what you're really saying ( mind you, i know you could read the text backwards, but you wouldnt do that now.... would you? ) ... OR YOU COULD CLICK HERE!

heee. bye now.

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