February 24, 2001

there was once doubt, maybe even hesitation - in jimmoi's mind before we went to go see sleeping tiger / hidden dragon : that it would suck. that the universe was not all that is should be ... and a movie that we actually wanted to see would suck. but when jimmoi finally got his ass to my house at around 2-3pm ( not noon ) we go to talking. we listened to johnny cash. we waited for my mother to get home with guppies. ... and when she did there was hell to pay.

actually, hell had to wait for jimmoi to play unreal tournament and really suck at it. it was a marvel for me and michael to watch someone suck so much at a game that was so easy. then came the guppie slaughtering that my gar so easily dished out. it was grand. and then a little fish ( whom we like to call the outcast loner "fish face" ) tried to eat a fish. and he couldnt. i laughed. in fact - everyone did. it was great. then i beat my mother up for $15 and gave her a black eye. she cried. i went with jimmoi to the movies.

on the way there i grabbed the wheel because jimmoi scared me and almost drove into a car - but instead we almost ran into a tree. it was funny in a not-so-funny laughing-matter sort of way. in any event. i had to mention that.

we also stopped by a chinese place. the cheap place. i suddenly realise how much i didnt feel like eating chinese food. oh well. he ate stuff that was red and orange. i ate two pork rolls. there was a homeless man who came in and used the bathroom. me and jimmoi looked like buisness men. so i started talking about stock. we argued about stock. we didnt know what we were arguing about. it was funny. the people there thought we were two young buisness men who wanted cheap chinese food. and then we went to the arcade

( after getting tickets I mean ) and played the fun game. the fun game only ate $1 of quarters. then we played WAR. I won. Then we played Silent scope and both got to the same place and died. next time i think we should do co-op and linked play. maybe we'll be faster then. we'll see. then we went to k-mart. because we always go to k-mart. there was poop in the stall. i couldnt go pee. i cried. it smelled. we left.

we forgot to go to the mall. i believe it's because we weren't getting zach because zach was going to a show. the geeks. everyone loves the geeks. woo-heee. in any event, where was i? oh - lets just skip to watching the movie!

the wonderful movie that is SD / CT

I wont ruin anything for you - dont worry. however i do advise you to go see this movie - if you enjoyed the movies in Mr. Ball's class { if you had him } then you'll guarenteed to love this movie. The first fight scene gets you so imersed into the show that you entirely forget that it is subtitled. Yes, you forget ----- not because the dialoge is any less important... although that could be debated.

two downfalls i find in the movie are 1: the plot/storyline/point ... whatever the fuck you want to call it - was "cut/paste"-ish. You can tell this by the multiple ways me and jimmoi 'off the wallishly' made fun of it. there are connections to Star Wars, Bat Man, and ... uh.. well, those are the two i can remember. The second is the ending. I'm still puzzled, lost, and dissapointed by the ending. HOWEVER these minute details are not enough to deter you from realising this is a great movie! The SOUNDTRACK is awesome. The FIGHT SCENES are awesome. The CINEMETOGRAPHY is awesome.
everything that makes a difference - is awesome.

also. since jimmoi got a pet - i figured i should get jeff a pet as well. i tried to go to neopets.com to get him one - but it just wouldnt work for me. so instead i went here and got him a pet from there. HIS NAME IS ALSO "BUTTLOVE" !!!

yO, my name is BUTTLOVE.
my name is buttlove. can you guess why?

i wouldnt advise clicking on the link, by the way - as it will send you to a site called "FRESH-MEN" - i figured that jeff would enjoy a pet from there, instead of neopets.


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