May 22, 2001

Giant Festering Pustule of a Thought

I had a thought just now. James, i like the idea of the BlogVoices thing, or whatever it is called, but in reality, i don't think many people will use it. I think it would be more useful if there was a way to know if anybody responding to a post without having to click on the "That's Punk Rock" link everytime. Sometimes when we post much or just don't have time, we can't just go and click on those links. If there was a way to take the number of messages and display them right next to the "That's Punk Rock", then i think you'd see at least a gradual mark-up on the use of that.

The other problem with it is that those who would respond are more than likely already members of this board. Those who aren't and stumble by won't even know to click on "That's Punk Rock". These are just little problems to deal with whenever.

Other than that, i need to brush my teeth and get to class.

Oh, and Bradbury, thanks for the input. Yeah, i probably will go with MPEG format, seeing as how it is currently more universal, and if i put these movies on CD, i'd want more people to see them without me having to go and attach a file for the DivX codecs and/or Windows Media Player 7. So, as it stands, MPEG is the way to go.


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