May 24, 2001

bwee-bop sha-bang lolly lolly zam

you name it : we've thought it : we've thought it : you've done it
i dont know. what am i saying. i havent the slightest. i . . .

jeff : it's at my house : so come by saturday ( i wont bother you much ) and come get it.

and you dont have this "friendly come talk to me" look - it is, in fact, an entirely different "look" ... the : you look funny look : they aren't REALLY talking to you as much as they are probing to see if you can speak and make coherant sentences. :)

hee hee hee

i went to school today instead of staying home and sleeping in : everytime i "sat up" from a chair i got light headed and everything went bright and black and i couldnt see and i got a severe headache and fell down or had to brace myself against somethign so that i wouldnt fall down : crazy cool : stupid heat/sun/whatever making me all fucked up physically : son of a bitch : hopefully heather is ok : zounds : i'm thinking about inviting "the couple" to the board : merely because ben is crazy-cool and (unfortunately) got caught doing something illegal and knows about pink floyd ( anyone else know floyd, asides from raw fishe? ) - and his girl, Emily, is crazy cool as well - if you wanna know why i was thinking of them two s'because i said "zounds" which is what they call me - actually ben calls me "jealous" which is a cross between "James" "Elliot" and some other name i forgot - does it matter? we're eating spagetti ... yum.

ok : tomorrow is yearbook day : i dont know if i got one or not : at least i've got a pen to sign things with : i think i'll write random poems in everyone's books this time : screw messeges : blah blah blah ...

i'm gonna go eat wet noodles.
with sauce.
and cheese.

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