June 29, 2001

Keeping Tabs

First off, i'd just like to say "welcome" to andy. I see he has posted, which should make the board only more fuller and richer, and whatnot...

yeah, james' picture of me is a rather bad one, which is good for him...
though i admit, the playing field is a little onesided, with my massive forces (pictures), going up against his one.

i should probably share pictures with him...then we'd have a really good contest. we shall see...

and now then, on to the more interesting issue of the day.

Apparently someone from Guam has been looking around for me...
i must say, i am quite intrigued as to who this mystery searcher is...

well, whoever you are, please, by all means, leave a comment at one of the comment spots on one of my various posts...preferably this one, or one of my more recent ones.

Much thanks to james for installing that netstats thing, that allows us to determine where people are viewing our site from...

unlike james, i am not paranoid by someone looking up my name...
quite intrigued really, that anybody would spend that much time looking me up...

quite intrigued indeed.

this bares further investigation.

whoever you are, are you family? or friend? though i doubt friend...i can't think of any friends that come from guam...

oh...and here's one last possibility...
maybe, just maybe...that person from guam was never searching for me.
maybe they were searching for a keyword that was mentioned in one of the many posts here...
or maybe...just maybe

they were searching for YOU!

well, i guess this is growing up8

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