June 26, 2001

The Administration of two

So i guess i am now an administrator.


I will not add anybody new for the time being, as per james' request. I think being an administrator is good for primarily one reason...the maintenance of this site.

Two administrators are good in the case of the likely event that james or myself die. Not that i want any one of us to die...[mwaa hahaha...where is my arsenic?]

other than that...it is business as usual.

there was something really interesting i was going to say, and i think i even had pictures to illustrate it...but now i've totally forgotten.

Oh, and i am going to try and find people to add. That should be interesting...and james did ask me to find people earlier sometime last month or the month before. I won't add them though, not for the time being, but leave them as prospective candidates.

Quick question, james...
to add a person they have to be a member of blogger right? So i tell them to go to www.blogger.com and register, and then i can add them...right.

Don't worry i'm not going to do that now...but i did want to know the process.

Let's see....
in class, which i ditched the later half of, we talked about Emile Durkheim...

i enjoyed his quote: to be free is not to do what one pleases; it is to be master of oneself.

consider this for a moment. it isn't so much that we need freedom to do whatever we want...such as walking around the streets of major metropolises naked...but to have mastery of our urge to indulge in the act of walking around the streets of major metropolises naked.

this argues against the virtues of anarchy and chaos, which many people press for because it gives the freedom to do whatever.

here's another way to think of things...
if you could do everything you wanted...what would be the enjoyment.

part of the urge to do whatever you want, is because most of those things are probably not allowed, or not able to be done all the time.

it is the very fact that we have restrictions on some of the things we wish to do that make those things all the more enticing.

think forbidden foods. say your a 350 lbs grahamite [note that this isn't necessarily a real person], and your doctor tells you that if you eat an entire cake, you will die of a clogged artery.

now...you are forced with the forbidden desire.

before your doctor had told you about the cake and clogged artery, eating cake wasn't really in your mind, at least not eating an entire cake. now however, you are given a tempting, and tasty, treat...the cake...which comes with consequences and positivies.

normally, in your mind, the positive [eating the cake and getting the sugary positive taste] wouldn't seem like much of a positive. After all, it is just a food...
however, given a restriction, we have an urge to occasionally break that restriction.

this can be compared to the apple in the garden of eden...
if Adam and Eve hadn't know about not eating the apple...would they be likely to eat it...aside from the chance of coming across the tree and eating the fruit?

that's something for you all to ponder.

Anyway, the point being...there is more pleasure to mastering the urge of breaking restriction [not eating the cake/not eating the apple], then indulging.
at least according to Durkheim.

any thoughts on that?

well, i guess this is growing up3

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