And now, for something completely different.
One time, when i had a special get-together in Fort Lewis, i had invited some of my closest friends. At that time, james collins, jimmy miller, justin kaasa, breanna towne, and jOe macauley showed up. It was quite an interesting time. However, the fun would not last long...
jimmy decided to wear an old halloween costume, a blue M&M suit. As a result, this spurred the hunger within jOe, unleashing his "Frenzied" mode. [NOTE: If any of you know Dragonball Z, it could be compariable to going super powerful yellow number one {japanese speak for anything cool and great}, only with jOe it means more hunger, violence, and bad body odor.] He lunged after jimmy.
I was able to capture and document this rare occurence using a special camera i personally invented that utilizing STT {speech to text} and T3 {thought to text} software invented by both myself and my esteemed collegue, a one Mr. Harry Wapler.
Poor jimmy never knew what hit him. One minute it was a fun outing with friends, the next, he is staring down the jaw of death and trying to hold his breath from the noxious fumes. jOe wanted M&M's at first, but then later realized that james was asian, and decided that it was time for chinese food.
We were all stunned by what happened, and for a second or two just stood in total horror. Even john stewart, life-long friend of mine and harry's couldn't believe what he was seeing. He even felt deeply sorry for our seemingly fallen friend.
Here john was visibly grief stricken by the inevitable loss of our friend jimmy. Ignore the blue background he was standing behind...someone had foolishly left a "Grammy Awards" set right in the middle of the woods...we all got a good laugh about that.
Yes, all seemed loss for our dear friend. Suddenly however, the tables turned. jimmy found the inner strength to resist the Frenzied jOe. He began to power up! [Apparently all asians are able to power up. That or they are all able to mysteriously able to transform into blonde Don Kings. This is what i learned from anime!]
Here jimmy takes back the fight after he goes Super jimmio number 1 and starts to choke jOe. Not even at Frenzied mode was jOe able to stop jimmy. Some speculate that it was the horrible stench of jOe that pushed jimmy to the edge to release his hidden power. I think it was that Super Burrito Grande at Taco Bell.
The tide of the battle had turned. jimmy almost killed jOe, but at the last minute was spared his life, as all good guys do. Then we all continued with our barbeque. It was grand, except for john stewart kept hogging all the baby-back ribs.
well, i guess this is growing up5
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