June 20, 2001

I am removing the clause afore placed

Jimmoi, a bit ago - i believe it was two days ago, told me one purpose for tZa - which was " seperation ". The distintion between " them " and " us " -- and that got me thinking. It got me thinking a lot. In fact it didn't get me thinking at all until this morning. I've been bothered by a lot of things lately - and I got drunk to forget them. And that bothered me too. And I got to thinking about those things as well. And I got to thinking about how Jordan's father was an ass, and about how where I am going to go with my life - and what the whole thing was about - and then it hit me, it hit me hard. and it hit me quite cleanly : and it was this :

In life, you move things. The trick to living a happy life is to move things in a manner that other people are impressed - and that it " looks nice "

that was it. it wasn't much more than that - in fact i had toyed around with the idea before a long time ago. I found that all one does in life is move things - and the more i thought about it - the more it seemed to be that the things moved people instead of the people moving things. But that's a whole different debate in itself ( whether or not people are moved by things or things are moved by people, that is ) --- now, where was I? Oh yes : " seperation "

he said that's what it was about. seperating the flock. making a distinction between " us " and " them " -- and i thought ... " what are they doing, and is there a them?"

much the same way mike and i can see, or come to the same conclusion of one thing that is *truely & definately* there but have different takes on them - this is tZa. Everyone is tZa in their own little way - in fact, most people are the embodiment of the concept. " fighting to make a difference, a distinction, ofUs from Them ".

but I got to thinking - How could I make tZa be more than just an idealogy? If everyone does it - then how can I further the " seperation " and make a distinction ( i've probably spelled that word eighty billion different times now ) that actually has some ground under its feet

and i found this :

to further the seperation of " Us " from " Them " it is not only an idealogy that must be in place, but a manner of being. It is hard to explain - well, through text - but " being " as an acceptance of all things to come, and what has been. Giving your life to nothing, and have faith in everything.

Now you see - this sounds strikingly like - oh, shall we say - CHRISTIANITY? -- having faith in God? ( if you notice, i didnt say God ) - but nothing is God. Once you accept nothing, you have everything.

Imagine it this way :

The world is full of roads, and each road is connected to eachother in one way or another through a series of roads... wait - i could make this into a logical sense of an equation....

the big one

ok - now as you can see in this image - H can connect to everything, wherein everything else is connected, although through a series? you see what i was saying? Now we'll say H is " nothing " - once you've achieved a state of " nothing " - having faith in " everything "

does anyone see? Once you're at the bottom - everything is up - you can go ANYWHERE.


I'm so hyped i cannot type anymore
hey look - i can ryhme too.

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