I hate the bus system. Well, at least the Seattle Metro system. This has been a reoccuring theme ever since i moved up here for college life. After nearly seven months up here, i still hate the Seattle Metro system. I hate it. With a fevor.
First of all, i hate the fact that i am subject to the whims of a system as screwed up as the bus system. For example, when i am early to the bus, and need the bus to be on time to a specific destination, the bus is usually four to five minutes late. However, when i am on time, i usually see the bus just leaving, or had just left about a minute ago. And finally, if i am late, i see that the bus is late also...but just leaving the bus stop.
Now, i think my hatred of the bus system extended back to the glory days of when i was a sophomore at Bethel High School. Seriously. I hated the bus then too...though probably for different reasons...though even those reasons probably overlap to a general degree. The biggest problem i had with the buses were some of the people i knew on them. Both james and andy can back me up on the level of stupidity that could be experienced on that bus. One example: Larry Ford.
Guh...the name still sickens me, and makes me want to jump from a building and land on a rusted wrought iron fence.
This is the bus that james, andy, and i used to ride on our way from roy to Bethel. Good ol' number 92-15, driven by Mel. I hated that bus because i usually had to deal with, or listen to, stupid people.
Now don't get me wrong, i like the memories at the same time. I remember a time when we all tried to put yellow sticky notes on joe ellefson. I was the best at that. I once got one on him, and he walked right into his house. Then his mom asked, "Joseph, what is that on your back?" or something like that. Luckily for him, and by extension me, that he took it off before she read it.
Anyway, now instead of dealing with a school bus chock full o'stupidity, i am on a bus chock full o'old people and mentally unstable individuals, as well as the occasional drunk.
This is a bus that is frequently used by the Seattle Metro system. Actually, this is one of the rare better ones...most of them usually look run down and are filled with an assortment of drunks, mentally instable people, or old people who move slower than sand. See that person on the bike...he or she is probably schizo and a crack addict...doesn't he/she look so happy!"
I really hate metro...i hate having to deal with an organism that demands that i be at a certain place at a certain time, but either takes its nice sweet time getting there, or early and then leaves without me.
...of course, on the positive spin of things, i don't have to pay for parking or gas.
these are just the things in life.
well, i guess this is growing up2
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