April 01, 2001

do you have an article you've written and yet nobody wanted to publish it?

well then the answer is simple! send your article to FHUO@usa.net and the grand ol people at FOR HUMAN USE ONLY will see what they can do about publishing your article!

heh heh heh heh heh.

heee ... hee hee heh..heh.

ALSO! : Drew : and nobody else with exception to Michael : has told me when school spring break is : so I'm running on information gathered from Michael : in the event that spring break is NEXT WEEK then the date would be sometime next weekend : HOWEVER... here's the killer :

1) Bradbury wanted it on a weekend : I had entirely forgot that you dont reserve weekends : and then walk-ons would be allowed : and we wouldnt have the control over anything : much like last time and nobody enjoyed last time.

2) Jimmoi wanted it on a friday : I don't know if Bradbury could make a friday : but i kept it in mind : as a friday we would be allowed to reserve and so on...

3) I dont know how long spring break is : is it two or three weeks long? In the event it is two well then that's simple : I could just make it on friday : the ... oh : what's this? THIRTEENTH : ironically didn't we go on the thirteenth last time? Hmmmm

thats so pressing : I'm going to have to go to the bethel website and SEE FOR MYSELF when the god-damn spring break is and how long it lasts.

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