August 07, 2001

I was about to type this.. I kept getting messages .. they distract me.. it is comforting, but obsurd and aweful.. It's a funny sensation being both repulsed and compelled by something...............................................I'm chatting now, I'll get back to this after I have finished .........So chatting made me forget what this was all about.. I would go into the living room and think it over, but I hear my father out there repromanding the playstation for offering such a challenge... I'll go outside and think it over.. I should have known this was coming.........

The room is dark right now.. filled with sound from digitally recorded audio.. I am downloading more, it will come to me as I sit here and wait for it... I'll stack the rocks on my desk till then. I took them from the driveway just now.. to stack and watch them fall ... They have always been falling I think.. even before I stacked them...

It keeps coming back to me in little bursts and quickly fading away.. I am not trying to keep it really, just waiting for it to decide and stay.. I could feel it just now though. It was in the rocks on my desk... I held one for a moment. A moment feels odd right now.. A tiny lifetime that I choose to race ahead of .. I wonder will it catch up to me finally, these moments that I leave behind before they end.. The stone feels cold and distant, almost ancient. It's like holding the hand of an old person almost, I can feel the age in it...

I stacked them up just now and gazed at them for a while.. I was reminded of a pyramid, here, I built a wonder of the world... They must have known when it was done, that they would fall. The pyramids I mean, nothing is timeless... The stones just fell from the formation that i placed them in.. They lived a tiny million years , a wonder of the world.. They pyramids will fall too... a tiny million years from now.. I don't see the difference anymore though, that is the thing I guess... between the pyramids and the stones there is nothing I can tell them apart with... both are tiny stacks of rubble, which, will one day fall.. No that isn't it.. they have allready fallen and are merely forgotten.. vanished into sand dunes or into random places....I can't see what isn't there...........Now I am not making any sense.......

Aha!.. the music is here, perhaps now it will come to me...........................There was a loud bang outside.. I went to see what it was, but found nothing...
I never did find anything.. it was always like that ....... Where was I ?.. ohh yes.. it came to me now .. here it is .........................................
Here [_]>? and NOW......... No no no that isn't it ... It will come .. I'll find more music..........................

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