August 21, 2001

A grand day, the insurance company runs me all over Ft. Lewis... "You'll have to contact the registar's office for that" - "We'll transfer you, hang on please" etc etc.

I return home after a nice confusing trip to college... Ooh yes I'm hungry, I want some damn food.
I think to myself "I like eggs, breakfast sandwich..." So there I am, fryin up some eggs to put on a sandwich.

The frying pan is heating up, the bread is in the toaster and... Woa! I've got demon eggs!
Yes that's right, demon eggs! I crack those suckers on the frying pan and there's two - you count em two yokes!

... I'm at a loss for words, staring at my egg samich wondering, dumbfounded, in awe.
Demon Eggs...

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