March 06, 2001

The reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated...

*Disclaimer: This is Not the MegaPost. Expect that soon.

Yes. I have returned from a dark period of not posting. I understand that many believed i had perished in the great quake of 2001. Alas, this was not so. Rather, i have been busy with several projects, some of which are academic, and some of which can be equated to the level of slackeristic. (It's always a good day when you can coin your very own word.) For any of those out there who care, i did indeed finish my river otter project, and in a very scientific sounding format too. However, upon trying to get it in on time, i ran for five blocks in the cold and have developed a slight case of sore throat. Yeah. However, i did get it in on time, so score one for the procrastinator.

I have also been spending my time researching the earthquake and you all will be in for a shock. Believe it or not, the earthquake is quite related to the dire subject of my megapost, which will have people talking with the same fervor as a bunch of adolescent males after seeing a doctored photo of Brittany Spear's breasts. Yes, indeed. Let's just say that the Juan De Fuca plate isn't the one we should be blaming for fallen glassware and framed collector's editions of various Playboy magazines.

Also, as i had posted earlier, on Tuesday i spent an hour, with a couple of friends of mine, in Pioneer Square, where all the Mardi Gras hilarity was taking place. No, i was not shot, which was rather disappointing from some aspect of it. However, for all those thrill-seekers out there, i did get a bottle thrown in my direction and almost hit my foot. Quite interesting indeed. I also did some videotaping and got some interesting pictures of craziness, including homeless bums asking for money for hookers, and some women flashing the crowd for beads. I will have pictures of that up as well in the upcoming days. In fact, i have a teaser shot for anyone interested of a particular female just about to flash the crowds. I'm sure jimmy will be waiting in furious anticipation for the conclusionary shot of that photo. While in the crowd i also found who might be one of jOe's father's hookers, but further DNA tests will have to prove that one way or the other. Anyway, here are a couple of preliminary shots from Mardi Gras:

Just your average entrepeneur going about business.
These kind homeless men playing are just saving up for a worthy cause, wouldn't you say?

Here, take a closer look at their business advertisement:
Hmmm, should we contribute to their cause?
Is that an honest American bum or what?

And now, for all your voyeurs:
Whose got some beads?
Stay tuned for the conclusion to this shot. At this time i wish i could keep track of who visited the site yesterday, today, and the next few days, to see if traffic actually increases here just to see her flash everybody.

Doesn't it seem like i had fun at Mardi Gras or what? It was okay, though somewhat lame. The rioting didn't kick in until around 1:00 in the morning, and i had gone home by 11:05 pm. I would have stayed longer, but Madonna, one of the friends that came with Kyle and myself, wanted to go home. In retrospect, it was kinda boring, at least at the time we were there. How was i supposed to know that someone would actually die later on in the night. The only other really interesting thing that happened while i was there was some guy ripping off the first avenue sign in Pioneer Square. I'll try posting that tomorrow.

Finally, the last thing i have to say for today. While working on my great MegaPost, which is quite time-consuming, i made a new acquitance. It was during my research on the earthquake and its true origins. Don't believe what everyone is telling you about the Juan De Fuca Plate. I have evidence to the contrary. Anyway, I was looking up info, and i met the infamous Harry Wapler. Or is that his John or Henry? I think Harry might be his son. Then again Harry might be both their names. Ahhhh...aneurysm.... Okay, so even though Harry Wapler is only a meteorologist by trade, he is actually quite an renaissance man, specializing in numerous trades, including conspiracy theory...which often times gets a bad rap as having followers considering mental unstable. I ask you, am i unstable...i didn't think so...

Here is a shot of Harry doing one of his well-known for weather updates:

Yes ladies and gentlemen, this is the weather.  I too believe in the 'Destroy the Wallaby' campaign.
He's really a nice guy. Very down-to-earth.

Well, Harry has been providing me with some excellent footage and information that is bound to help me on both my "Destroy the Wallaby" campaign, as well as my upcoming MegaPost. What a guy, huh? Supposedly he has underground newscasts as well, which i should be able to get some footage of soon. He might even has some underground newscasts about the truth behind the earthquakes that the supposedly "real" news media doesn't want you to know about. gotta love the connections.

I think he was a one-time superhero as well...i found this old picture on his desk...makes one wonder, doesn't it:


He must have been a power ranger or planteer or dragonball z type when he was younger. He's got the hair after all. Go Power-Wapler, go!

Well, that's enough rambling for now...expect the MegaPost soon.

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