March 07, 2001

Heinz, not just a ketchup anymore...

Disclaimer: This is not the MegaPost. MegaPost currently aimed for Friday-night debut.

Ah, an interesting hypothesis Mr. Bradbury, interesting indeed. If i were all of you, i too would have become rather skeptical about now. But fear not, the MegaPost quickly approaches, and should nothing go wrong, it should be up by friday night, when the final touches on my project will have come together. Yes indeed. Afterall, MegaPosts can't be that easy to make, otherwise every crackpot out there would be making them right alongside me...and i have worked to hard to make that an impossibility.

Before i get to the jist (i don't actually know if i spelled that right, it could be gist...but gist doesn't look right, so i'll stick with jist) of my post subject for today, i'll quickly answer Mr. Bradbury's query about my possibly relations. Indeed, i do have a younger brother, and by that same point i do have a cousin. However, neither of them are named Jon. My brother's name is Luke...the proverbial thorn in my side...or in Mr. Pierson's case, my particular unicorn...yeah, something like that. He currently goes to Bethel High School as a junior, and by and far, he is an idiot. If my minidisc player hadn't went all Bethelistic on me, i'd make an MP3 and let you all listen to just how inept he really is. Mr. Collins has heard it...let him be the other voice that backs me up on my brother's stupidity.

As for my cousin, whom i was not aware of until late last year...his name is Josh Makahanaloa. You might all remember Josh as being that annoying guy i would hang around with. Don't get me wrong, i like josh. He tends to get rather bothersome after five minutes or more, on bad days...but he is still overall cool. Well, one day i get a phone call from my good friend josh, and he greets me in the most unnerving way..."Hello, cuz!". Now let's just say that out of all my friends that i would like to have related to me, josh would never have really crossed my mind. Don't get me wrong, nothing is really wrong with him, but i still wouldn't have thought of him. Mr. Collins and Mr. Miller, as well as Mr. Wegener, thought this little bit of news to be intensly own person did not fall into that group however. Ah, but that is how life plays out, isn't it.

Okay, all that said and done, i'd like to get to the reason for today's particular post. You run across many things will going to class...including people who try to sell you used batteries. Don't laugh, apparently it happened to my friend Kyle. Strange, strange world. Well, one of the things that i have been studying and learning about involves story telling. Basically, you are given a story and you have to decide on a particular person's fate. I will now give you an example of such a story:

In Europe, a woman was near death from a special kind of cancer. There was one drug that doctors thought might save her. It was a form of radium that a druggist in the same town had recently discovered. The drug was expensive to make, but the druggist was charging $2000, or 10 times the cost of the drug, for a small (possibly life-saving) dose. Heinz, the sick woman's husband, borrowed all the money he could, about $1000, or half of what he needed. He told the druggist that his wife was dying and asked him to sell the drug chearper or to let him pay later. The druggist replied, "No, I discovered the drug, and I'm going to make money from it." Heinz then become desperate and broke into the store to steal the drug for his wife. Should Heinz have done that?

Basically anyone can answer this question, and no answer is right or wrong. Now i know that in times past, teachers would always dillude you by saying, "Oh don't worry little jonny, no answer is a wrong answer." Only, when you replied, not only would he or she tear into you, but the classroom as a whole would learn group togetherness by doing the same as well. Well this time i assure you all that no answer is right or wrong. What do you think should happen to Heinz? Seriously though, if you want to answer this question, i really would be interested to know what you all think. It would really help me out as well. If you want to answer, just email me and give me your response ( Be elaborate as well. Why do you think the way you do?--that sort of thing. Please! Please! Don't post your responses here, at least not for now. After i get everyone's response that wants to respond, i will post them all, as long as that's okay with you, here. I will wait to post any responses i get until a week from now...on Wednesday, March 14.

Well, that's all for now. I have more studying to do, since i do actually want to pass college eventually. Yeah, i look forward to March 16, when i get to see Mr. Collins and Mr. Miller. Lots of fun stuff...yeah.

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