April 07, 2002

What a day.....

First off, I get my morning NY Times, like normal, and there I find this wonderful article.

Yes indeed. What a load of crap.

[Now, I don’t mean to get off on a rant here]

But I must say, those little dipshits down in Oregon are pretty stupid about their racing. I’ve seen some incredible stuff down there, people hauling ass around in areas as tight as the freaking Pike Place Market. Often right past cops. I saw that three times when I was there last summer for a weekend. Of course, the cops down there are assholes, but that’s to be expected.
I especially like that part towards the end, saying that allowing sanctioned races will lead to more street racing.....all I can think is


what the fuck? Giving guys somewhere to race will make them find more illegal places to do it? NO, it doesn’t work like that.
The major concern is that morons out flying around crowded streets in the middle of the day will ruin it for those of us that only do it in situations where we will be the only ones to die. Stupid fuckers like those got 192nd and Canyon shut down by showing up in the middle of the day.

So I started an uber-rant, only to find that blogger wasn’t working. Fuck.

The rest of the day was fine. But the first two things really blew.

Speaking of which, this week will suck. My truck goes in to Lakes in the morning, I won’t have it back until Wednesday. Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck. And I’ll be out $275.


But I’m not bitter. I’ll just make the face and/or genitals of the responsible party match the dent in my door. Indeed.

Not to mention that, due to the metallic nature of the paint, it will never look right. Until I paint the whole truck.


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