April 19, 2002

Idjits from California

Now, hopefully nobody on this board is from California…
And if you are…then I’m sorry for what I’m about to say, and you should know that I am not trying to apply it to you…

So with that said…
I HATE Californians…

At the very least, I hate Californians that go to the UW. Seriously. First of all, last year, they up and steal our state’s power. Oh, but it is good that we share and …blah blah blah…fuck them! It’s our power. We had to pollute our waters, and kill our ocean life, and cut down OUR trees to make that power, and by God I’m keeping as much of my power as I possibly can…so to the issue of California, I say, FUCK CALIFORNIA!

Secondly, they come up here and drive up our prices with their yuppie ways…housing prices go higher…yeehaa…
And then what about the simple fact that their damn California breathing is taking up MY precious nitrous oxide. Do you see me going down to fuckin’ polluted and prostituted Hollywood and taking in their precious dwindling air supply? The fuck I don’t. But do they respect that…hell no they don’t. They take up MY air. It’s jeff’s air you fuckin’ rejects from the golden state. I hate you, I hate you, I HATE YOU!! Let me have my own damn air.

And finally, and perhaps the most important reason…California girls come up here, and they start going out with people’s roommates…say, my own roommate for example. Yeeup, let’s say him for a second. Let’s call the other girl Krystal (sorry, I had to change the name so as to not implicate any girl named by a similar name. The real person’s name is not at all similar to that mentioned above…I promise.

Now here we have this Krystal, and she is loud…oh you think you’ve ever heard loud…fuck no you haven’t heard loud…not in a million years you haven’t heard loud. Think the chipmunks, but then put them in a room full of both laughing gas and helium, and give them a low tolerance for “scary things”, and you’ll BEGIN to understand what loud is…oh believe you me. So then you take that, and then you have this Californian named Krystal and you make her make out with your roommate and giggle like a fuckin’ moron and you make her jump around and get into your things and put her stupid crap all over the place, and you listen to her talk about business and how money is the key to all life, and you read her AIM profile and it has stupid damn cliché sayings like “Life is a game, play hard”. I mean, WTF?!?! “I am sooo unique and have such a unique perspective on life…” even though I’m a fuckin’ freshman who has no clue and has to ask jeff about everything in life, from relationships to why I’m a fuck up, all because I’m a coward and can’t go live my own life and make my own stupid mistakes… Noooooooooooo…not me…no because I’m a CALIFORNIAN reject, and I like to wear skanky clothes and flirt with guys and be all surprised when they are falling all over me and then I ask jeff once again what is going on…


At this point I would like to apologize for taking up the board for a moment to rant and rave about such petty stupid little things, and to apologize for being selfish in this aspect. However, for me, this is UBER therapeutic, as opposed to possibly finding all the Californians, no one in particular and beating them in with the stick of intelligence. (in this case, I think the stick of intelligence would be that steel bat that I hear everyone keep talking about.)

With all that said, I am done.

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