April 04, 2002

Hmm....Tool fans would fit in under that.

I was wondering how the guest seat at poker would work....

Big business, and my take on the situation:
The idea of big business is not necessarily bad. Worldwide, big business often makes a lot of things possible that wouldn’t have otherwise happened. There are a lot of large companies out there that do their best to not only produce a good product and/or service, but help to make the world better. Most of them try to make the bottom line (money) be less important than the way they get there.

For this, you can look at companies such as Toyoda Manufacturing (the parent company that spun off Toyota Motor Corp.) and Honda. They have both set corporate goals that lead them towards producing the best product available, and in the process also making life better for their workers. The environmental standards created and met by these companies such as these make even the most stringent of Federal standards look as irresponsibly filthy as they are.
These two companies (and they’re not the only ones), have created big business ethically and responsibly, around the idea that it lies on them to make the parts of society they impact better. Almost all of the workers they employ make the best wages in the industry. They aren’t all union, because they don’t need to be. They are treated well, and work under better conditions than their counterparts at other companies.

That having been said, the standard model of American big business is 180 degrees different. The American business world exists with one goal in mind: $$$. That is all that matters, and whoever or whatever you screw getting there, well, they had it coming. The workers that produce your product are not important, pay them as little as you can get away with.
Oh, and what’s this? Here comes NAFTA!!! Great, now we can move the plants to Mexico, and pay the workers a fraction of what the fuckers in the Midwest make.
Thank you, WTO, we can move our component production to places like China and pay them a fraction of what the Mexicans will work for.
Since we’re so big, Federal standards mean nothing. We’ll talk to our right-wing buddies and see that they keep the standards for the portions of the market we control good and lax, just tighten down a little more on where those lousy Japs keep hitting us the worst.
That was General Motors. The only care given is to their own wallets and the wallets of their investors. They believe in “Trickle Down” economics as the best way to make America strong. No care or thought is given to the global picture, nationalism lives on in American business.

The examples I used were all automotive, for two reasons (I can here you guys groaning about it from here). One: the companies I used are really good examples, because they are in the same industry and have a strong split in tactics. Two: duh, I’m a car nut...

SO.....Fuck “Big Business,” and fuck those of you who think it’s good. The big businesses that work in this country [for the most part] are really good at screwing the people who get them where they are. Everything revolves around the stockholder.


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