March 19, 2002

wow hey i haven't been called a fucking idiot yet well thats probably cuz im just a peasant as well as James 2nd ohh well it will happen sooner or later. on all the things that have been said well the leader being James thing i have no clue the way i met James was at school he had a COME.TO/SLUGS sign and then i got on the board met James 2nd and became his friend... i think i know what will help everything a good game of hopper some know the rules and some don't sounds good to me...

i went to Canada and beat the hell out of 6 guys and knocked one out and broke my nose FUN i say FUN!!!!!!!
thats what we all need to do if some don't like paint ball lets put on the gear and beat the crap out of eachother!!

James 2nd were the hell are you!!!????

Drew i never thought you could say such harsh words i thought you were the nice guy AHH i thought wrong ohh well

Aaron wow doode you need a different group or something I just stopped reading your posts they got boring ddr is OK but not for FAT GERMAN GUYS like me so that would never happen and why would you want to spend all your time/$$ at the mall?

Steve I thought you were anti-social the first time I met you you said hey and shot me wile flying accrost the ground and then you didn't say anything else until I seen you again and you said hi thats aboot it...

Kissie? OK a girl on the board wow!!!

James has a lot of NiN CDs I didn't know that!!

And were can I take the test to see what type of gun I am?

We will all go crazy and DIE
yes DIE
and it will be fun cuz I like t fight!

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