March 08, 2002

This is some seriously depressing shit. Then again, it makes me feel a little better. We may have a fucked up country, but nothing that bad.
Dickheads like Attorney General John Ashcroft may be hard at work fucking us out of our civic rights-but at least we have clothes on our backs and food in our bellies.

Of course, maybe if our country were a little more simple, events like the entire Enron cluster-fuck wouldn’t be happening. Or, even better, if we had a democrat in the White House.

Instead we’d have NAFTA. Oh wait, we already have NAFTA. Fuck.

Well, I’m sure the unemployment rate in Mexico is doing fine because of this little gem of “free trade.” Never mind the unemployment rate in Flint Michigan (7.1% at the end of 2001-half again more than the national average).

Why does a shithole like Flint come to mind? Because they used to have GM auto plants, until they moved to Mexico where the people will work a week for less than their American counterparts make before lunch. Well, that’s okay, because they do really shitty work to make up for it.

Twenty years ago, GM sucked because they couldn’t engineer their way out of a wet paper bag. Now, they suck because the people making their vehicles don’t speak any goddamned english, on top of the fact that they wouldn’t care if they could.
Yet American car companies still wonder why Japanese have such a large market share...maybe it’s the idea that a highly skilled work force can produce highly complex machines a little better? Hiring engineers that didn’t get their degree at a community college might have something to do with it too. That’s okay, because Bush (being a Republican puppet) will impose import tariffs to help our economy. Oops, he doesn’t even have the balls for that.

I’m ranting again.

Fuck it, let’s keep going, and maybe back on topic.

McCarthyism-not just your grandfather’s fascism anymore. Only it’s Ashcroftism now.


doesn’t have the same ring to it.

Okay so maybe it hasn’t been that bad yet, but the possibility certainly exists. We’re only a few [very short] steps away from a 1984-ish hell. Apparently the Bill of Rights doesn’t apply when rich old white guys are worried about no longer being rich. Maybe they should pay attention to the fact that before long, rich old white guys will no longer represent the majority. The baby boomers are getting old, and as we all know, old people control politics. So when a mainly liberal group (who just happen to remember and be quite frightened by Vietnam) are the only ones voting, shit is gonna happen. Just wait until “Gen X” hits the Metamucil age. Oh, boy will that be fun.

That’s about enough for now....and quite disjointed, too. I’ve been doing that a lot lately....maybe getting more sleep would help...


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