January 10, 2001

drowsy-drugs for sinus relief are, to say the least, interesting.
last thing I remember was coming home yesterday.... and i can now feel my headache rearing it's ugly head from the back of my mind already. I really would like to stay awake ... but if it gets worse - i'm going under the pill again.

two things off the top of : Rakhelle - you're german grammar needs work. I can understand what you said - but the manner in which you said it wasn't to where I could easily decipher it. Take for instance this one confusing little diddy --- If i wanted to say "I dont understand" in german, I could auto-translate it into "Ich nicht verstehe" .. but the german language is all funked up to the point that their grammar isn't like ours... and i'd have to say "Ich verstehe nicht" - which I dislike. oh well. that, and quit it with the latin. it gives me a headache. the intent of the board it to (whether it makes sense or not [as with jimmoi most of the time] doesnt matter) communicate sense/nonsense in a manner that would pass on the information clearly. Total number of people I know that know latin : 1 - and Jeff doesn't even read/post much. baarrrgh. where was i? oh - castro is a God in which we sometimes worship at 12.19pm. bahahahaha.

Oh hell. i just sneezed out so much flamcake it wasnt funny. I think i sneezed out my brain, or well part of it, as now i have an odd sensation to always walk left. my head keps wanting to move that way as well. bAAARGGH!

Napster - my 'warm ups' can only be done 2-3 minutes prior to show, and im sure that some students in the front rows could hear me chanting the well-known mantra even right before the lights went up. You'll find me gone from today's schooling activities - that's to prepare for tomorrow. I will be there for that damn after-school show. I'm trying to coax my voice into working without the semi-raspy "a dead cat is choking me" low tone it has at the moment.

Heather/Jimmoi - you see?! I don't have to call Jimmoi after all! he cannot make it - so me and Heather can go to the haspatiol with no obtrusion to ... ( obtrustion? ) Jimmoi's plans. I don't think the party is at Pinko's house. But I'm still up for cheap-o movie theatre-o-rama. Mind you - there is no connection to my not having a job and my prefering cheap movies over a suped-up cineplex.

... fuck. my voice is really really messed up.
( takes two pills - falls over - goes to sleep )

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