January 13, 2001


Now if i understand this blogger-posting thing right, the first person to post for that day gets to be first in the list. So, it being 12:13 a.m. right now, i get to be the first poster of the day. Wow.

I would like to make a quick remark as to why i will never ever want to live in Roy again. Actually, there are several reasons, but i feel like addresses the latest reason to rear itself since my tenure up here. That reason is: Delivery.

Yes, it is that simple. You see, in Roy there is no such thing is delivery. There are good reasons for this mind you. First of all, pizza resterants and teriyaki shops would have to pay there drivers quite a price to even dare enter the backwards city of Roy. It is simply to far out of the reach of most delivery places. I must have gone for at least half a decade without having anything delivered to me. Just imagine my joy today when it struck me, in a moment of hunger, that all i had to do was pick up the phone, and someone would actually bring food to me. To me! For those of you still living in Roy, try to remember back to a time when there was such a reality as "pizza delivery". Yes Virginia, Delivery does exist.

It's easy to understand why people like delivery. Anyone who even slightly understands basic concepts of behaviorism will recognize that delivery is nothing more than a positive reinforcer. You pick up the phone, and with little to no effort, you have food of your choice brought to your door. No longer is there a need for us to break out the pots and pans, heat up the ovens and stoves, and break out the recipe books. It's all done for us. If there ever was a time when man was nothing more than a primitive hunter/gatherer, searching out his daily meal, i believe we've all but crushed that part out of ourselves. Nowadays, hunting and gathering has been reduced to "hunting" out the phone book, and "gathering" up loose change for the delivery guy's tip. (Unless of course you are Jimmy Miller, in which case you don't believe in tipping and there goes the whole "gathering" part of your food acquistion process.)

All in all, i suppose one could say that the food delivery system is just one more step in the human evolution process. Of course, we have yet the ability to evolve to the point where we can actually understand what some of those resterant owners say. Somehow today i ended up ordering about 12 dollars worth of food when all i wanted was some lousy teriyaki chicken.

So much for the ease of delivery. Maybe i'll just do like my friend and hunt dogs with bows and arrows.

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