January 31, 2001



I am currently putting up more pictures on this website thing that i am learning how to do. I was able to pull some more pictures from the video clips that i recorded back in december, for any of you who might want to see some of the stupid things that Mr. Collins, Mr. Wegener, Mr. Miller, and myself have done. Anyway, that is at non_finis.tripod.com/nice/

I am working on getting one of those URL redirects so its not a pain in the ass to go to my site and look at the pictures. I apologize in advance for the long loading time that it probably takes to see the pictures. Since i don't know everything about websites or webuilding, i have to make due. As soon as i learning how to make thumbnails, and actually have those thumbnails link to a page with just the picture on it, then i'll be in business. For now though, its the way it is. There are some new pictures of James and Andy at Sharis, and at Top Foods i think.

Oh, and i'm still working on that re-released movie, but i haven't come up with that theme song/music. Maybe i'll just use that Tunak Tunak Tun song that james once told me to download. It would give my debut film more of an earthy jungle feel, no?

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