December 05, 2000

well hello to all the litlle crackers out there in god-knows-where, alabama with the ostrich urethral sex and all. i know its been a while and youre all probably having withdrawals, not to worry. im back now, im ok. lets see, right now im debating on whether i should write about my place of employment, or costco.... leaning more toward costco, and just because of the five gallon tubs of ice cream, soy sauce, margrine, cream cheese, and parmesean cheese as well as the potatoe chips in a burlap sack as aaron described to me earlier today. but you know what? they get so much shit, but gawd-damn i love that store... where else can you buy clothes on unused wooden crates, or ten pounds of vitamin I? but you see, when you step in costco, everything changes. you remember opposite world when you were a little kid, youd think with all the childish thoughts how fun it would be to live in opposite world where you can dance around and be merry only, youre in opposite world... well it does exist, inside of costco. i made sure to pay attention to specific details to write about specifically for this event. so ill describe a few, you notice as you walk in, there are people that sit there specifically to make sure you have a costco card. in a typical store, this kind of occupation would be filled by a pimply faced teenager, but not in costco! its all old people... how bout cashiers? typically old and slow, but not in costco! there are young healthy strong cattle to move the masses through quickly. now onto the products. in costco, the smaller a typical item is in a regular store, the larger it is in costco. take for instance poptarts, typically in a box of four pairs, ive seen six also. not in costco, box of 36 pairs of poptarts. little debbies, there was a box of 50... 50! zebra cakes, so everyday you go to school, and its like; breakfast- BAM! zebra cake, first per.-BAM! zebra cake, second-BAM! zebra cake, third- vomit, then BAM! zebra cake, lunch- BAM, BAM, BAM!!!- zebra cakes!, and you can be like "fuck you lunch lady Betty, I gots me my own gawd-damned zebra cakes, and ima shares thems wit mah frends! HELL NO I AINT GIVE YOU NO GAWD-DAMNED TREE-FIDDY!" thats funny too, guess the price? thats right... tree-fiddy.... tree-fiddy...
god i love that store.
once again, happy to educate duh crackuhs, this is slim jayee signin.

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