December 16, 2000

Yes. We've gone to the mountain. And we video'd stuff. And the video was good. And there was snow. Snow like you've never seen before. I tell you. I tell you thar wuz snow! And thar wuz be a lut ub et! Too bad Jimmoi couldn't maek it. WULDA BUN FUN. Oh.. here's a fun fun, fun fun URL for you CLICK HERE ... You'll like it. My favorite line ( and I'm sure Jimmoi will agree, the best line ) -- is "It's just a butt ache." or something along those same lines. I'm sure you are all warm and snug in bed right now ( its 10.30pm!!! ) so there really isn't much I can say. Um. I am feeling like I'm going to throw up, but thats how it always is when you eat two bags of CHILI CHEESE fritos. I feel like playing in the snow. Damnit. We should go back up to the mountain next weekend. ... and I have to still get a date for paintball. What I figure is it's going to be on a Monday and I was thinking that after christmas would do - because of all the $$ that you get.. and some of us could get paintball guns for christmas - but then I said " wait a minute, I remember a bunch of stuff for school was due on Jan 1st" ... so I don't think it'll be after christmas. Bradbury gave me a bunch of criteria to meet - but I can't remember what it was. I WILL have a date by tomorrow at 10pm. and I have to go OUT OF MY WAY to gather information and so on. Aaron and Anfany, Jeff and Andy aren't going to be coming to play this time. Oh well. ShIT I aM tIreD. TiMe To gOtO bEd. HaVe A HaPpY ChRiStMaS EvErYbOdY! NoTiCe My LeEt TyPiNg sKiLlS. I oWn AlL oF YoU! ! !
and wow. after watching the video I noticed a few things :
1. I curse a lot
2. I look much different
3. ... uh. I look good with an AM/PM plastic bag on my head?

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