December 31, 2000

[ somewhat but not quite ] quick stuff!

1- people who will be at my house for new years : Andrew, Heather, Maybe Jimmy and possibly a guest appearance by the 'shit-in-the-brown-paper-bag' man himself, Brice. We'll see who gets drunk and who gets who and what goes where and so on.

2- Napster : i'll make you a deal - hook me up with your RA2 cds and i will either Burn myself a copy / or two - and-or just crack the files to where I don't need a ceedee. What i've gathered from you is that RA2 doesn't work on a "get online you have to have a cdkey" manner - just to install it, which is easy to bypass. So, you'd have to trust me with your ceedees for like a day and then we can play RA2 :)
You know, I'm trustworthy - unlike some ceedee-lacking people who lay down their word and then dont hold true : *cough* Sacrifice.

3- I found out why we kept having to scroll back/forth! Because of dumshit michael typing " ______ " umpteen bazillion times to where it stood as 'one word' that was some quadomillion characters long. That stupid bastard - but dont worry, I deleted the damn thing. Obviously he doesnt know what a { HR } is.

4- Tonite I'll be uploading a bunch of pictures for Heather. Expect to see them make an apperance on this board. And when you do - say she looks good, don't worry she doesn't know I'm typing this. #4 is invisible to her, she can't read it because I cast a magical spell on it that only everyone but her can see it.

5- My hair is everywhere. I have Johnny rotten hair. bah hahaha. Other random things - It was CEREAL that he was eating, not chips/doritos. And I realise why I don't like Justin - or well, I feel hostilities towards him! Not against him but that whenever he is around Breanna he has to be a complete asshole to assert his manliness around her. I'm entirely fine with Justin when Breanna isnt around. But once she's in sight its SUPER ASSHOLE JUSTIN to the rescue to protect her from all the SUPER EVIL BAD VIBES that might eminate from the SPAWN OF SATAN EX BOYFRIEND that he SAVED THE DAMSEL IN DISTRESS from. That fucking pisses me off too. Oh well.

6- Nobody I gave my email address to : Thor, DS, Geri / emailed me. They probably lost it. It was my fault that I lost the manner in to which contact them. I could have contacted Aaron but I didn't feel like trying to con him into anything he wasnt up to. Oh. Bloody. Well. Terminator was fun, by the way - and it'll be entertaining to be able to talk about war stories with Mr. R and Napster in school, showing off our wounds ( with the exception of Napster's bleeding ass ) Next time we go paintballing I'll talk to Napster/Mr. R and ask them what we all agreed on. As Austin and Jimmoi have stated - there were TOO MANY people when we went. This was because I allowed walk-ons to play with us, and Beavis was distracting us all from anything coherant. Anywho - would anyone be up for going to Ft. Lewis next time? i will have to call them and see if there is any restraints : ie - have to have military ID / parent permission / exact prices for reservations ... and so on.

7- that's it. oh, here comes brice. the moron. and it's "Satan I've been longing to meet you." - this coming from the paraphrasing of the man who cant admit that it was cereal, not chips/doritos.

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