December 14, 2000

Damnit Jimmoi - where the fuck are you? We could have skipped a class to bitch at eachother about it all. And I hate the lucitania argument. That's a panzy excuse for us joining the war anyway. I'm tired at the moment and can't use my full bitching power - so you'll have to bear with me when I say :

1. I don't condone Hitler, or Stalin's activities. You make it sound as if I were a nazi sympathy-cock. This I am not.

2. I am fully aware of the 'millions of lives' ( not just american ) that were saved in the two bombings on Nagasaki and Hiroshima, and I am not against the fact that the US did those things to end the war. A few for a helluva-lot-more, can't make an omlet without breaking eggs ... and so on.

3. My intent was not to glorify or defend either NAZIS or STALIN - but to point out the fact that I was getting aggrivated, and rather sick, of hearing oh-how-terrible the nazis were - and nobody ever realises the fact that the US has done horrible things as well ( granted, nothing along the lines of 6 000 000 killed for an idealogical purpose ) and these things aren't stamped into everyone's minds as CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY and so forth.

4. " if you look at them, dissect it, and dissect it some more, and then molest their bodys/yea/you would know the US was maybe in violation of a minor civil code, but was justified " hence my aggrivation - they commited crimes against humanity - yet were pardoned. The nazi's got what they deserved. MY BEEF was that the fact we so easily overlook our own faults and so quickly took to stamping the 'bad label' on the losers. You said it yourself : " we all know that only the losing party gets blamed for war crimes " and thats what pisses me off. I would be oh-so much more happier had we said : "ok, you nazis are guilty of crimes against humanity - but so did we, however we did ours because it was a necessity" ( which we did ) - so we hung them, and those forced to commit crimes were heralded as hero's who 'ended the war'. My respect would have been tripled had we said "sure, you did wrong, so did we - and all guilty will hang." Our allowing the US crimes to go unpunished demeans the punishment of those who rightfull deserved it.

EXAMPLE : I go out, I steal a car, my father turns me in - I go to jail for some amount of time. My brother goes out, steals a car, my father slaps him on the back of the head and says "dont do that again." That's what we did. We slapped ourselves on the back of the head and said "bad boys". Hell, we didn't even say "bad boys" we said "you did what you had to do, you ended the war and here's why you're a hero : [insert bunch of 1:11 ratio and %s and calculations to prove how many they saved in killing 200000]

Im surprised, however, you didn't bring up Dresden and Berlin - not to mention the bombing raids that happened on Tokoyo. Sure - the germans had the bombings on London -{and probably other places which I wont name, as those are arguments for the other side}- but we probably hanged them for that too. I'm curious of those who bombed those civilian cities on our side were ever repromanded.

In closing ( god damn I love bitching with Jimmoi - it makes me wonder why on earth Aaron isn't this fun ) I have to make it CLEAR that I am bitching about, as Jimmoi has agreed : " we all know that only the losing party gets blamed for war crimes " - that the winning party always get's to say "what is right" when "what is right" should have ALREADY BEEN DETERMINED. As my father always told me when I was growing up (and still continue to this day) " It is always the winners who write the history books, remember that you little dumbfuck shitface." ... mind you, that's paraphrased. WWII was nothing but a less poignant version of WWI - us winning and saying " IT WAS ALL YOUR FAULT < WE DID NOTHING BAD."
and I got to watch Empire of the Sun today.
jeez - that movie just is mass 0wnage.

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