April 18, 2003

Um...Linux is Unix. They both comply with the POSIX standards, and anything under that is capable of pretty much the same stuff.

It really depends on whose "flavor" or specific builds you're using.

There are easily a dozen different makers of both...but they all use the same basic idea. I'm thinking closer to two dozen actually...

As far as ease of use....It all varies by what you're using. Redhat is much much easier than, say, Solaris. But Mac OS X is far easier to install and use than Redhat. Nortel phone systems use yet another kind (their own) and it's very difficult to use.

The general idea is all the same....and Microsoft is the only company that still goes it alone with their own brand of BS....which is, by the way, a ripped-off version of OS/2. Hell, even the original DOS source code was stolen.

But yes, unix does rule. It rulse heavily.

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