April 14, 2003

High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicles

thats what they were called. otherwise known as HUM - VEEs. The crowning glory of all that was motor vehicle delightfullness. Owning or even seeing a Humvee on the road was like a blessing from God, saying onto you : " Damn, arent you glad you have this? " or " Damn, you need to save up three years worth of savings to buy one, but oh - it would be worth it. " And on the way home today I hit a rather sour bump in the knowledge of that which is HUMVEE. The new and improved HumVee. If you were to go to school, say five or six years ago, and told everyone that your mother had bought a HUMVEE and she drove you to school in it - people would be in awe. They'd probably covet your mother as being someone so cool that you'd have friends you didnt even know of. Now, I imagine it to be commonplace. Soccer-moms wont be going twenty miles per hour in a thirty five mile per hour zone in a MINI VAN anymore, they'll be going NINETEEN miles perhour in a THIRTY FIVE mile per hour zone ( so as not to scratch the car ) - in THE BRAND NEW BETTER VERSION of the HUMVEE.

have you people seen this? Have you witnessed its grotesque sickness? I almost wanted to shoot the damnable thing that was in front of me in hopes that it would somehow put it out of it's automotive misery. Now soccer-moms will take TWO FULL TEAMS to soccer games in their hybrid humvee-suv piece of shit blah blah blah whawrhg. Everything I hold sacred eventually gets polluted by capitalism.


and jimmoi - that peterpan guy. he's world renown. he's probably got more money ( from that website ) and more pussy ( just for being a panzy faggot ass ) than both of us and anyone else we know combined. Although its more than peterpan now - but him dressed up in little girl outfits. wtf?

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