January 05, 2002


you know you want them.
you know you want -
you know you know you know
sometimes -
making whispers in the backroom
hear the reasons. hear
in the end. in the end.
make the damn
shunt it / quiet down
you dream
pety, little dreams

choke , revive , decide
a fellow man
a hollow home
an empty space
reason with me


pay no attention the above, I was going to make a post but somewhere along the line I got distracted. By what? I do not know. Im looking around me and I have a television. and a dvd player. and music ceedees. and I think to myself that I have come so far from where I was. And I try, I really do try, to feel that feeling that people always talk about. That feeling of " accomplishment " - of " making it " - the big, little payoff right before you die and go to " that coffee shop named heaven in the sky " - and it just doesnt rear it's ugly head.

i dont see how some people get it.
but one thing I do know.

I am not the problem.
more-so, there is no problem.
nothing is wrong.
everything is fine.

so why is it everyone thinks differently?

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