November 06, 2001

Blurg - I can't sleep. Probably that fookin Mocha I had before bed... hmm...

K-PAX :: -Plot-, no "bad" language that I can recall, no nudity unless I missed it, no violence, no real mass special effects... and you know what - with all these missing things, it was a good movie. Wierd ending which could have been done better in my opinion, however my ticket stub does say "K-PAX I". Arg! Can you say part two ?

I found an "out-of-nowhere-gift" today, from my mother. A book of International mixed drinks, very nice. I don't recall doing anything special which might result in a reward or gift, got it just because - I think. However, as I find myself flipping the pages of interesting drinks I realize something - the pub I work at doesn't seem to stock half the shit in all those drinks which I might find appealing or might enjoy making and serving.

I might enjoy serving something called "Hitler's Grenade", "Death by Chocolate", "Deep Throat Shooter", "Seduction" and quite a few others. Noo, course my boss is a tight ass and doesn't want to stock up on things which I might 'accidentally' urge my customers to try.

I have the 17th off for paintball, at least the manager (bitch) said I did - she could change her mind... she is a bitch after all. To date I have $30 just in quarters from my tips and gathered change, I'll probably end up with another $30 by the 17th.

.... yeup... wow... Jimmy sucks - couldn't find him today to go watch K-Pax. Bastard. I feel fat - the chair I'm sitting on creaks and groans as if I might weigh 500lbs - which I don't... unless I keep expanding.
Yes, I'm bored - haven't posted in awhile.... ( Brown board sucks ) I think James is trying to make it too 'organized' looking or 'special' maybe 'sophisticated' looking when in the end we're all just Cow-pie-high dumbshits who don't care for those sort of things. Beauty is found in the most simplistic of things.

Kiss My Asteroid!

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