September 05, 2002


Hey, you think the mint bush was a stupid idea... just ask mr. james about what he was eatin' when we went camping...

--before any of you sickies get any thoughts, i'll fill in the answer: grass. that's right, he would pluck grass from the campground and stick it in his mouth, like a Pa bear on that hillbilly bears cartoon that i see once in a while on cartoon network...

i'm sorry, but yes, while the mint bush was rather nasty in retrospect... at least i wasn't suckin' down the collected years of urine (both human and animal), car byproduct, trash, and campground sex.


I stayed up as well, playing games... though probably not as long as you did... i was up playing a 50-stock game of four person Super Smash Bros Melee...

almost won it too... stupid school and work is really pulling me away from mah playin'

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