September 30, 2003

[New Season]

I'd have to say that with the start of the new college year, I feel like a new person... even though I don't get to partake in college anymore.

Instead I've decided to do something else equally entertaining and far more cheaper. I'll just go to Odegaard and use all their resources. I have a ton of roommates all going to UW and friends that go there as well. Basically I can still read all the texts, attend the lectures, and walk around campus and nobody can stop me.

How's that UW TUITION BOARD!? Mwahahah... Free college never tasted so good.

Right now i'm reading up on my Developmental Psychology, all at the College's expense. Oh, and I'm using their wireless connection... mwahahaha again. And later, well later i'll prolly go up and use their Apple Cinema Displays to edit and work on pictures.


And James, seriously... do something about the background. That tiling is pissing me off in the retinas.


oh wait... didn't need the evil laugh for that.

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